HAPPY 2009!!!
Jan 01, 2009
Good Morning everyone - Isn't great to know we no longer have to be fat?!? Talk about good news - that is certainly good news for all of us.I hope you are as excited by that truth as I continue to be after three years out from surgery. The wonder of it never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes it is almost more than I can comprehend. And to think, we do it by just being compliant one day at a time while we go right on living a full and rich life. Can't beat that!
I know this will draw no sympathy from many of you, but here in the Florida panhandle it was 41 degrees this morning with a wind chill of 37. Now I know to some of you, that would qaulify just fine for a heat wave, but to me it's mighty cold. Think I may do my walking today in the mall. Since I have my "blck belt" in shopping walking in the mall can be hazardous to my check book's health - but it isure if fun!
Her'e a big heartfelt THANK YOU to those who have written to me. I'm new to this site and wondered if I would hear from anyone. Feels good to get messages.
I wish for each and every one of us that 2009 is a best year yet and that the years that follow will be even better.

About Me
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Dec 31, 2008
Member Since