Test over June 29, 2010

Jun 29, 2010

As of yesterday I finished all test I think everything went well, will hear in a few days. I'm so worried about my surgery being put off, I have had a cold I still have a cough & sore throat. I have 2wks. to go so I'm praying it will be gone before then. I re-started my 2wk. diet today, was anybody else sick the day of surgery or had to have it put off because of being sick. I would like to have any in put if possible. Thanks.


Jun 18, 2010

If I have already posted this I'm sorry for doing so again, I have tried to write @ post this 3 times but have got knocked off line so I don't think it posted anywhere. Sooooo , I had started my 2wk. diet because Jessica (Dr. office) told me to go a head & start on the 14th. My ins. said I would have a date as soon as I seen the nutritionist, which I went to on Thursday of last wk. Ins.co. called me on Friday to ask me questions something like a pre register thing , she was showing a surgery date of June 28th (that's why I started diet on 14th but they had not received papers from nutritionist). Called  Jessica but she was gone for the day, She called me back on Mon. or Tues. said she had just faxed all papers , then on Wed. she called & ask if I would be able to have surgery on July 12th... I said yes (of course) So I guess it put the date back since it wouldn't be a full 2 wks. & I still have to get lab work & see the cardiologist so I have all appts. made . Jessica told me to stay on diet until July 12th  but there is no way I can stay on it that long. I am going to have a hard time doing 2wks. but I know I will make my self do 2wks. Anyway, forgetting all that " I HAVE A DATE OF JULY 12TH AT 10AM FOR SURGERY" I'll stop rambling & say bye for now .... I'll post when I have more to say, If anyone has any advice before or after the surgery I need/should know PLEASE tell me ....

Getting closer to date!!!

Jun 16, 2010

I started my 2wk. pre-op diet this week, I'm so hungry...LOL  but I know I have to stick to this diet. I will have to keep busy so I won't think about it. Believe me I have enough to do around here to stay busy. I'll just have to make myself get started with it, & I if I'm working all day maybe that will make me tired enough to go to bed & sleep. I've been staying up until 4:30-5:00 am , then sleeping until 12:00-1:00 . I hate sleeping that late the day is over before I get started on anything. I like getting up around 8am & start my day early, anyway I'll stop rambling & go to bed it's 3:30am....LOL But "I WILL GET UP EARLY " I need to going walking before it gets so hot..... talk later.

almost there

Jun 10, 2010

I went to see the nutritionist today, I learned  a few things I didn't know & I need to learn alot more. So my Dr.'s office told me to start my pre surgery diet on June 14 so I guess they think I will have a surgery date very soon. I can hardly wait but I'm also a little worried, but I really think everything is going to be fine, I really want to get this done & start living a new & healthily life. I'll post again when I get a date.

Closer & Closer I Get!!

May 29, 2010

Hi, My Dr. office called me yesterday, said the insurance co. called & said I need to see a nutritionist & they will give me a date for surgery. I have an appointment on  June10th to see her . They said my appt. would take about 1 hour. I can't wait ..... then I will finally get that date I have been working toward. I guess all the nutritionist will do is about dos  & don'ts about food, I'll post when I have something new to talk about.

May 24, 2010

May 23, 2010

I'm finally here! Waiting on a date, all paper work is in the Dr. office has sent it to insurance co. now I have to be patient & wait. I can't believe I am at this point already, it didn't seem as long as I thought it would. When they said supervised diet for 7 mths. I thought this is going to seem like an eternity, but it went by pretty fast. Now I hope this waiting period goes alot faster  & only takes a week or so . I'll  post when I get a date!!!!

May 13, 2010

May 13, 2010

I haven't posted in a while,I'm finally finished with all test & Dr. supervised weight loss. Waiting  on insurance approval, I'm having the RNY (gastric by-pass), if anyone has any helpful information and/or suggestions I would really be interested in learning from someone with first hand experience.I have been reading everything I can find on the computer hearing from someone who has had it done would be a big help, as far as food and possible problems go. I will up date when I get a date, hopefully that will be very soon. Good Luck to everyone waiting on that big date!

