Has anyone seen the century that I lost?
Feb 01, 2009
Finally, I have hit 225 Lbs. I still feel really fat and when I look at myself It doesn't seem like 100 Lbs are gone. I think I am getting to the point where I am feeling discouraged and feel I haven't lost enough. I also have it in my head that this it, I am never going to get to 135 bs. 90 Lbs is a long way to go yet. I have heard that if I don't lose it in the first 6 months that I probably won't. I guess I am just feeling sorry for myself or something. I think it is that time of year when the weather and stuff starts getting to me. I have been feeling a lot more tired than I have since before surgery. For a while there I was just about bouncing off the walls, not anymore though. When I went to see the Doc in December they gave me a B-12 shot but I didn't feel any effects from it. I guess if it was something I should be taking every month the Doc would have told me. I go back at end of March so maybe I can ask them. I have been very good about taking my vitamins so I would think I would be ok. I have a history of becoming anemic every so often and this was before I ever had GBS.
Dec 14, 2008
Okay, 236 seems to be my magic number because the scale ain't movin'!!!! All right I'll admit it, I have been a bit on the naughty side. I have had a few bites of things here and there that I shouldn't. Overall, I am still behaving but I have had a few naughty bites. It's all my neighbors fault she made me eat that Peanut Butter cookie yesterday Are you listening Santa? Brenda did it!!! And of course, there was that Christmas reception at Waverly Mansion last night and I had not had a fruit cake cookie since my grandmother died in 1992. Are you listening Santa? Ok, I will be serious now, I know I shouldn't have eaten those but I did and if helps any, I got sick but I sure was enjoying it before that last bite and the nausea. I still have lost nearly 90 Lbs so I think I will be OK. I went to my husbands squadron Christmas party last Friday and saw people I hadn't seen in a long time, I was looking pretty nice If I do say so myself. I bought a pant suit in October and the pants were too big so I had taken them back and got a smaller size, well, I didn't look at them real good until I put them on to wear and they were average length and I need petite. Thank goodness for a really nice neighbor who can sew(even if she did make me eat cookies yesterday).She hemmed them for me and they were loose in the waist but I can now I can get belt's that fit. I saw a person when I went to Florida for Thanksgiving that had not seen me in a year and he was floored, he could only keep saying OMG you look fantastic. Well, I feel fantastic!!! Speaking of Florida, it was really nice to go to Disney and not be tired and out of breath and actually able to have fun. Haven't done that in a while. I now weigh less than I did when I got pregnant with my son in 1997. I am not morbidly obese anymore, I am only severe. Yeah!!! only a person who has been through this could understand. Well, Christmas season is almost over so I think I will survive. I wonder what my surgeon is going to say when I see him friday.
OMG I lost my 10 yr old!!!!!!
Nov 02, 2008
Yep, you read it right!! I have lost my 10 yr old. All 76 Lbs of him. *I tried to pick him up and couldn't today. WOW!! what a way to see how much weight I have lost. Kinda scary when I think that I have been carrying him around all these months and didn't realize how bad it was until the weight wasn't there anymore. I feel about 176 Lbs lighter as far as my body feels. When we were in Alaska a few weeks ago I actually hiked up a mountain in the snow and even across a glacier that had really uneven terrain. ANzD nobody had to call 911 fro me !!! It was an awesome feeling. I am now wearing some 1x pants, and I can't even remember how long it has been since I did that. A really long time as in probably 10 yrs maybe.
7 weeks post-op
Aug 29, 2008
Well I decided that I should probably put some more on here. It is now 7 weeks post-op and I can't believe I have lost 45 Lbs. I have ggone from a Sz 28 Jeans to Sz 22. I love it!!! I think I have done pretty well. I haven't found this WLS post-op life to be that difficult so far. Cross my fingers it continues to be a pretty smooth sail!!! I have so much more energy. It is the little thinngs I notice like how I can walk up steps without being so out of breath or bend over to tie my shoes. My son and I went on Sunday night amnd bought a Wii Fit. OH My Gosh!!! I had no idea I would actually use it and like it!! It is so much fun and I really do work up a sweat. I definitely need to up my exercise to the 1 hour aerobics daily that my surgeon prescribes. I see this happening now that I have the Wii fit. Although I must say that on Wednesday Morn when I woke up I could hardly walk, Oh the pain!! I had a Rheumatology appointment that day and I kinda shuffled there! He tells me that I should exercise but that I need to stop before it hurts. Well, I am too stubborn to know I should quit while I am ahead. I usually just keep pushing myself once I actually get started and then I find out the next day and its too late. He also told me no running, he must be familiar with the Wii fit because that is one of the activities you can do and I did. I will be glad to be able to go outside and walk this fall. The summers here in Mississippi are hot and humid. I used to hear people say Oh I could never live in Florida it is too hot. Hello!! Try spending a July and August in Mississippi. I love Florida . This place is hotter here than anyplace I ever lived in Florida and there is no beach!! I also got out my bike that I have never ridden but am going to have to take it to a bike shop because something is messed up with the chain and I can't seem to fix it. I guess it got messed up when we moved one of the last 2 times.
Jul 02, 2008
I go from very excited to a nervous wreck in no time. As it gets closer I am feeling like I am making the right decision. My son and I and some friends went to the pool today and I did not go in because I have no swimsuit that fits. It occured to me again how much I am missing. We went to Gatlinburg ,TN this past week and my 10 yr old son wanted to go white water rafting. I know I am way to overweight to be doing this so he can't go. His dad is not a swimmer or a big fan of water recreation. I love anything to do with water as does my Fl born son. I promised him that next summer we will be making a trip there to go white water rafting if I have lost 100 lbs or more. It seems like everywhere I go there is something popping up that confirms my decision to have this surgery. I guess the real test is ask me if I am ready next wednesday morning. I might have a different answer !!!!
About Me
Panama City, FL
Surgery Date
May 18, 2008
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