Went in for 3rd Fill

Mar 27, 2009

Went in for my 3rd fill yesterday....I'm down 15 pounds since my appointment last month and feeling pretty good about that.  He opted to not do the fill, suggested why mess with something that is working.  I agree from a practical standpoint, but that dieter in me is screaming, "it won't keep working if we don't do the fill"!  hahaha

I go back in a month to see where I'm at.  So, I will keep on keeping on.  I think I'm still feeling that filled sensation with a moderate amount of restriction, so all in all I'm still in a good place.  I've really tried to focus on my meals being high in protein, so maybe that's all helping.

I've fallen off the exercise wagon here in the last few weeks, need to recommit to that this weekend and really push hard to get into some similance of shape (I used to argue that round was a shape) hahaha

Well, hope all are well and having success on your journey!  60ish pounds gone, 60ish to go.  Feels pretty surreal to be at the halfway mark and I'm only at month 3 1/2.


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Surgery Date
Jun 27, 2008
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