Dec 01, 2010
i haven't been here in such a long time!i'm still with the boyfriend i kicked to the curb a while back, and got a new job. i am now the assistant worker's comp claims manager at a small insurance company and tomorrow is my 2 year anniversary with the sparklyman, the love of my life. life is good.
i just came back from the dr - i'd had to wear a holter monitor for 24 hours to see if everything was ok because i was feeling dizzy and my hands were tingling. after having 2 heart attacks and a stroke, my doc was taking no chances. however --- all is well - i was simply... SICK. i had a stomach virus which i have now kicked. as an added bonus, my doctor let me know that my a1c is 5.6, my iron is great, my cholesterol is still a little high (235), but everything else is fantastic.
i weigh 174 lbs, 1 1/2 years out. eating is no big deal - i eat whatever i want, although i now want much less. i usually stick to fish and chicken, and rarely eat breads, potatoes, noodles or rice, although i can, if i want. breakfast is usually a small cup of coffee, scrambled eggs and turkey bacon. i can't eat more than one egg and 2 slices of bacon at one time, and i rarely finish the coffee. i take it black with sugar - no milk. lunch is usually veggies and chicken or shrimp, but again, i rarely finish it. dinner is whatever the kids and man want - i just eat whatever of it that i want. i don't do mcd's, pizza or popeyes - but i do eat thai, mexican and chinese takeout. they know me, and make small portions for me.
i wear a comfortable size 10, although i still sometimes need a 12 when the cut is close. i have no skin issues. most of you will hate me for saying this, but i NEVER exercise. my prior cardiac issues prohibit a lot of strenuous activity, but i do walk quite a bit. losing weight has been easy for me, because i never was a true foodie. i sometimes forget to eat because i'm really not hungry. then when i DO get hungry i CAN'T overeat. bliss, right?
at 50, i feel younger than ever. i wear high heels often, and my skin looks great (no makeup here). i use goat milk soap and neutrogena sesame oil for softness and moisture, then use burt's bees products on my face. i get my nails and eyebrows done every 2 weeks, and that's it.
everyone asks me what i do, what my regimen is. i've just told y'all - plus i drink mostly water. no juices or sodas - too sweet. but i do still love a nice glass of wine at night - but i've become such a lightweight... that nice glass has shrunk a bit...
love has a lot to do with it as well. love from my kids, love from my man, love of my job, love of MYSELF.
VSG helped me accomplish all this. I thank GOD for Dr. Mitchell Roslin every day.
i'd like to get down to 150 lbs, but if i never do, it's ok. as long as i'm healthy. and now, i AM, both inside and out.
until next time...
About Me
brooklyn, NY
Surgery Date
Nov 29, 2007
Member Since