Monday January 19, 2009
Jan 26, 2009
Weight today: 199!!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!! UNDER 200!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAJOR GOAL MET!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!
It is MUCH harder now. You can see from below that I've been between 200 and 210 for a LOOONG time. To be honest - I wasn't really trying to lose - I was eating normal but not excercising or anything most of November and December. I started back to the gym after Christmas 4 days a week, working harder than I have yet, and it seems to be paying off!!! I have been doing about 45 minutes of cardio - which is about 600 calories burned - 3 days a week and doing my weight training 2 days. So hopefully I can keep this going and get down another 10 or so - so that way when I do fluctuate the 2-3 lbs that I seem to do a lot now - I won't be fluctuation over 200!! LOL. And I do like my red wine.......gotta burn enough calories to keep that in my diet... :o) Some things just aren't worth letting go!
Thanks for keeping up with me!!! I know I don't post as much as I used to, but if I don't have much to say I usually don't bother. Hopefully I'll be posting again in the next month or so with more good news!!
Hugz to you all!!
YAY!!!!!! UNDER 200!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAJOR GOAL MET!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!
It is MUCH harder now. You can see from below that I've been between 200 and 210 for a LOOONG time. To be honest - I wasn't really trying to lose - I was eating normal but not excercising or anything most of November and December. I started back to the gym after Christmas 4 days a week, working harder than I have yet, and it seems to be paying off!!! I have been doing about 45 minutes of cardio - which is about 600 calories burned - 3 days a week and doing my weight training 2 days. So hopefully I can keep this going and get down another 10 or so - so that way when I do fluctuate the 2-3 lbs that I seem to do a lot now - I won't be fluctuation over 200!! LOL. And I do like my red wine.......gotta burn enough calories to keep that in my diet... :o) Some things just aren't worth letting go!
Thanks for keeping up with me!!! I know I don't post as much as I used to, but if I don't have much to say I usually don't bother. Hopefully I'll be posting again in the next month or so with more good news!!
Hugz to you all!!
Thursday Oct. 30, 2008
Oct 30, 2008
Weight today: 208! Another 10 down since my last entry. Actually, I was at 215 on the 24th - a day before I left for Vegas. I got back yesterday & this morning I was at 208. So I lost 5 lbs due to all the walking and activity I did in Vegas! Seriously - I probably walked 5-8 miles a day while there. My legs and feet have never been so sore - but it was worth it & I had an awesome time!!! I went to Coyote Ugly & danced while there - I felt great!! I got looks when we went out at night & I was all dressed up. It was more fun than I've had in years!!! So now I've got 68 more pounds to go for goal - but I'm more excited about the 9 more to go to get under 200, which will be the first time since around age 18-20 that I've been under 200. It is looking more doable every day!!! Yay!!!!
Tuesday Sept. 16, 2008
Sep 16, 2008
Today's weight: 218 - 78 lbs more to go to goal! Although, if I could just get under 200 I'd be happy if I never lost another pound. But I'd be even more happy if I did. Haha. Yes, it is getting much harder and slower to get the weight down. My gym days come few and far between - averaging 1 day a week maybe - due to all the things going on at home in the evening that I have to get home for by a certain time. And I'm just not comfortable with doing the gym at lunchtime due to not enough time & needing to shower & redo makeup & hair when I'm done. So I bought an exercise ball & some resistance bands to start doing things at home but man, it is just so hard to get STARTED with that. I watch tv or make dinner or just walk around the house and I see the ball sitting there & the unopened box of bands & think "I need to do that" but I haven't yet. So maybe something will bite me in the soon & I'll actually do something. Anyway, the cravings never go away - I'm wanting to snack and put food in my mouth constantly so it is a daily torture/struggle to do what I need to do to keep the weight going DOWN. But so far, it's going....just sooooooo much slower than I'd like. But I'm okay with that. So I'm at 218 - if I can just get to 199 soon I'll just be ecstatic!!!
Monday Sept. 1, 2008
Sep 01, 2008
Well, August was a bit of a difficult month. My weight today was 224 lbs. Looking below, in my August entry, it was 228 on 8/7 so 4 lbs lost. I guess I should be happy for 4 lbs - and I'm not actually upset - I'm just not jumping up and down. My cravings have come back in a more severe manner than even before surgery - and I honestly do not have the willpower in a situtation where there is brownies or chocolate or my major downfall of french fries/potato of some kind. So if it's there, I nibble. I don't eat a lot in one setting, although I have noticed that I CAN eat more - I think my pouch must have stretched a bit but I also know that is normal about this far from surgery. I can't eat near as much as I used to pre-op and I can still tell that the pouch is working - but I do have a horrible habit of nibbling most of the day and snacking. I feel like I just have to be using my hand to put things in my mouth all day long. Ugh. Also, when I have things that I have to be home for quickly after work (kid activities) then I don't get to the gym so in August I think I averaged 1-2 days a week at the gym. That makes a big difference also. But, as long as the weight is going down instead of up, I'm still okay with it. And on a good note, I know the inches have gone more than the pounds because I think on August 7th I was in a size 20/22 (depending on the brand), & I bought 3 size 20 jeans at Old Navy & last week I went in & exchanged them for size 18! So the 18's are a bit tight but they fit and the 20's were a bit loose after an hour or so of wearing them so I know the 18's were what I needed. Of course, Old Navy sizes are a little larger than other brands but I'm still going with 18's! LOL. And I bought a jacket last week at Tommy Hilfiger FROM THE WOMAN'S SECTION!!!!!!!!!! I thought I'd have to get a man's jacket as usual - and decided to try the 2X in woman's & I was so happy that it fit!!! Finally, a woman's fit & color & not the normal man's blue or black or red. WOOHOO!!! So ups and downs for August - but I am perfectly aware that it is normal & that I really just need to do what I need to do in order to be successful & reach my goal. And it may take longer than I thought it would, but I WILL DO IT - because I have God pushing me along!!! HE ROCKS.

Thursday August 7, 2008
Aug 07, 2008
Today's weight: 228! Four more down....88 to go!! That is 158 lbs total weightloss & 124 lbs lost since surgery! Goal is 140 - but I'll be happy anywhere between 140 and 170. Shoot - I'm pretty happy right now!! 
I added some new pictures - 9 months post op, taken today at 228 lbs. Big differences! I love the one titled "Birthday Comparison". I put 2 pics together from my birthday last year and my birthday this year - I made sure to try to sit as close to the same position as I did in the pic from last year. The difference is amazing!!! I'm so proud of me - and I know I NEVER could have gottent through all of this without God. I can't even imagine how people get through life without Him to support them, carry them, push them, and just always be there for them. I am very blessed.

I added some new pictures - 9 months post op, taken today at 228 lbs. Big differences! I love the one titled "Birthday Comparison". I put 2 pics together from my birthday last year and my birthday this year - I made sure to try to sit as close to the same position as I did in the pic from last year. The difference is amazing!!! I'm so proud of me - and I know I NEVER could have gottent through all of this without God. I can't even imagine how people get through life without Him to support them, carry them, push them, and just always be there for them. I am very blessed.

Wednesday July 23, 2008
Jul 23, 2008
Today's weight: 232! The first of July I found out I am down to a size 20 (in some jeans/pants).
I was on vacation June 30th - July 7th (returned on the 7th). We had company in & had an awesome time! We ate out and I cooked and we had a cookout...etc..I didn't really watch what I ate. Of course, I can't eat lot in one setting, but I know that about an hour after I eat I can eat again...so I snacked a LOT. I got into my old "carb" habit and ate a handful of crackers or a bite of a candybar, etc... Of course, it was NOTHING like what I ate pre-surgery, but this is the most snacking I've done in a LONG time. And since I know I can eat sugar without any problems, I went a little overboard there too. I did find out that I don't tolerate milk products too well. My sister in law made milkshakes and I had some and didn't feel so well for a while. Also, the week before surgery I didn't get to the gym except once due to the last week of baseball and softball & then while I was on vacation I didn't get to the gym at all. So I did not weight myself until Monday the 7th......and i weighed 239!!!!!!! I GAINED 2 POUNDS!!!!! I was not really disappointed.....I kind of expected it. Honestly, I expected not to lose anything but I wasn't surprised that I had gained. So last week I hit the gym 4 times & worked harder than ever and since I was back to work, I only ate my normal food I take - a protein coffee for breakfast, a Lean Cuisine or low calorie/carb meal for lunch and a small snack. I do have to snack - if I don't, I just feel like I'm missing something and I'll wander around looking for other stuff to eat. I have not lost the "craving" or the psychological need to just be putting food into my mouth. So I try to eat ice chips and healthier snacks in small amounts. So last Saturday I weighed myself and I weighed 235 - so I was very happy that I went down again! I dropped the 2 lbs I gained and lost 2 more! Then today I weighed in and was at 232, so I'm happy that I'm still able to get it off! I went to the gym today and got a "rework" on my routine. I'll be changing up my reps on the weight circuit and I'm doing different cardio machines. So so far.......so good! I'm still on the losing track and am SOOOOO hoping it does not stop!!! I still find it amazing that I have lost so much weight!! Sometimes i really can tell and other times I just feel like that big huge person I was before - like nobody can see the difference. But inside i know it and feel it and am much more self-confident and happy with myself. YAY ME!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading!!!! And for your prayers!!!
I was on vacation June 30th - July 7th (returned on the 7th). We had company in & had an awesome time! We ate out and I cooked and we had a cookout...etc..I didn't really watch what I ate. Of course, I can't eat lot in one setting, but I know that about an hour after I eat I can eat again...so I snacked a LOT. I got into my old "carb" habit and ate a handful of crackers or a bite of a candybar, etc... Of course, it was NOTHING like what I ate pre-surgery, but this is the most snacking I've done in a LONG time. And since I know I can eat sugar without any problems, I went a little overboard there too. I did find out that I don't tolerate milk products too well. My sister in law made milkshakes and I had some and didn't feel so well for a while. Also, the week before surgery I didn't get to the gym except once due to the last week of baseball and softball & then while I was on vacation I didn't get to the gym at all. So I did not weight myself until Monday the 7th......and i weighed 239!!!!!!! I GAINED 2 POUNDS!!!!! I was not really disappointed.....I kind of expected it. Honestly, I expected not to lose anything but I wasn't surprised that I had gained. So last week I hit the gym 4 times & worked harder than ever and since I was back to work, I only ate my normal food I take - a protein coffee for breakfast, a Lean Cuisine or low calorie/carb meal for lunch and a small snack. I do have to snack - if I don't, I just feel like I'm missing something and I'll wander around looking for other stuff to eat. I have not lost the "craving" or the psychological need to just be putting food into my mouth. So I try to eat ice chips and healthier snacks in small amounts. So last Saturday I weighed myself and I weighed 235 - so I was very happy that I went down again! I dropped the 2 lbs I gained and lost 2 more! Then today I weighed in and was at 232, so I'm happy that I'm still able to get it off! I went to the gym today and got a "rework" on my routine. I'll be changing up my reps on the weight circuit and I'm doing different cardio machines. So so far.......so good! I'm still on the losing track and am SOOOOO hoping it does not stop!!! I still find it amazing that I have lost so much weight!! Sometimes i really can tell and other times I just feel like that big huge person I was before - like nobody can see the difference. But inside i know it and feel it and am much more self-confident and happy with myself. YAY ME!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading!!!! And for your prayers!!!
Monday June 30, 2008
Jul 06, 2008
Today's weight: 237!! WOOHOO!!!! Going down...down...down..... YAY ME!!!
And I fit into a size 20 pants the other night!! I have some size 20 shorts that were given to me last year (that I had in containers since I was wearing a 34/36 - meant to get rid of them!). Luckily - I found them and FIT INTO THEM!!!! How sweet it is!!! Thank you Lord for keeping me going!!!

Tuesday June 10, 2008
Jun 10, 2008
Today's weight: 245! Woohoo!! 4 lbs since last week!

Wednesday June 4, 2008
Jun 03, 2008
Today's weight: 249! 
I'm happy with that! I've been a bit frustrated lately just because it hasn't seemed like my weight was falling fast enough. But then I think as long as it is going down, I'm happy with that! I feel like I've been in the 250's forever - but it has really been just for May. April 28th I was at 262 and then a week later, May 5th, at 258. I was 250 yesterday and 249 today so I'd say that is about 10 lbs a month. If I continue with that and not hit any major plateaus, that would put me around 200 at the start of October. Of course, it doesn't always happen the way we "think". I know it could go faster or more likely slower. Either way - as long as it is going down, I'm going to be happy!
I have been going to the gym faithfully. I do about 3 days a week with walking around the track (1/2 mile) and then 30 minutes on an eliptical and then the track again. Last Friday I had an appointment where they taught me how to use the weight circut so I started that on Monday. It wasn't too bad and I wasn't as sore yesterday as I thought I would be. So I guess today I'll just have to up the weights a bit. So now I'm trying to do 5 days a week doing weights on M, W & F as well as 15 minutes of eliptical and then 30-45 min of eliptical on Tuesday and Thursday. It is getting easier of course -but I still hate it. LOL.
Well, thanks for staying with me!!! I will keep posting as I keep losing. I know I don't post as much but there really isn't too much to post anymore since the weight loss has slowed down and things are "regulated" for now. Hugz to all!!

I'm happy with that! I've been a bit frustrated lately just because it hasn't seemed like my weight was falling fast enough. But then I think as long as it is going down, I'm happy with that! I feel like I've been in the 250's forever - but it has really been just for May. April 28th I was at 262 and then a week later, May 5th, at 258. I was 250 yesterday and 249 today so I'd say that is about 10 lbs a month. If I continue with that and not hit any major plateaus, that would put me around 200 at the start of October. Of course, it doesn't always happen the way we "think". I know it could go faster or more likely slower. Either way - as long as it is going down, I'm going to be happy!
I have been going to the gym faithfully. I do about 3 days a week with walking around the track (1/2 mile) and then 30 minutes on an eliptical and then the track again. Last Friday I had an appointment where they taught me how to use the weight circut so I started that on Monday. It wasn't too bad and I wasn't as sore yesterday as I thought I would be. So I guess today I'll just have to up the weights a bit. So now I'm trying to do 5 days a week doing weights on M, W & F as well as 15 minutes of eliptical and then 30-45 min of eliptical on Tuesday and Thursday. It is getting easier of course -but I still hate it. LOL.

Well, thanks for staying with me!!! I will keep posting as I keep losing. I know I don't post as much but there really isn't too much to post anymore since the weight loss has slowed down and things are "regulated" for now. Hugz to all!!
Monday May 12, 2008
May 15, 2008
Today's weight: 253! It's going down.....yay!!

About Me
Spring Hill, KS
Surgery Date
May 23, 2007
Member Since