Getting on the Amtrak for Cleveland today

Aug 04, 2012

 I pray that my strength in my body can hold out long enough to get on our train from Chicago to Cleveland. It leaves at 7pm and arrives about 2am Ohio time. My appt is not until 3pm so Toni and I will be hanging the do not disturb sign at hotel so we can get some sleep. I'm not yelling at anyone, but if the doctor left this j tube behind to use in emergencies and has passed up the biggest emergency by not using it, then I want it out!! These feelings are so terrible, you feel like you're starving to death; I feel spacey, lightheaded, sweaty, shaking, and all the low blood sugar crabbyness that you can imagine. I'm really nice to be around. We went to a wedding last night (scheduled before the surgery for some good friends), and I couldn't eat anything the first 2 courses, but the entree came and mine was a beef filet in gravy, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. It looked and smelled so good. I ate 4-5 bites of mashed dunked in gravy, my hubby tried the filet and said it was amazing, so I tried a microscopic piece that I chew thoroughly (it was amazing), but I skipped the asparagus.  It went down ok, but by the end of night I was so full of painful gas that it was scary. I'm scared about traveling today, but my daughter is with me and I know she's got my back and luggage! I'm going to take advantage of Amtrak's red cap/golf cart service to get us and our luggage to the train (it's a long walk down a narrow walkway).  There will be some heavy discussion at doc's office to get this right. I'll keep you guys posted. Adios for now. All aboard and choo choo! 

