Primary Approval

May 17, 2012

 I made my dreaded appointment with my doctor with the intention of asking her about wls.  When I first started seeing her, she gave me a long speech about not approving wls. (at that time I wasn't thinking of it and thought it was odd that she was bringing it up).  Well I saw her on Monday and told her I decided to have the lapband surgery.  She was very supportive and set me up for appts with a foot, sleep and nutritionist. yay!!

I was also scheduled for a seminar at the end of august. But got a call tuesday morning asking if i would mind going in june. I am like, heck yeah. yay looks like things are slowly falling into place.


About Me
Rome, NY
Apr 27, 2001
Member Since

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Latest Blog 9
WLS Seminar
I'm back
Anthem BCBS
The beginning
