Jewel M.
Jun 16, 2012
I went to my WLS consult last week. It was very informative and I decided to have the Gastric Bypass. I wanted the lapband but my dr doesn't do them. After explaining more in detail about the surgery and speaking to several friends who had the surgery. I felt more comfortable with having the gastric bypass. I do not have an exact date but it looks like it will be sometime in september. My sister Marlyn came with me and I am very grateful she did. I handled the seminar and consultation with no problem. But five minutes after we left, I was in hysterics. God bless my sister, she pulled the car over to comfort me. I explained this was a very hard decision for me to make and I have to stick to it. I do not like any type of surgery. But with the way my health is going, I will die if I don't do something. I put myself through college, moved across country, yet can not manage my weight. I keep telling myself that I am making a major step by admitting that I need help by having the surgery.
About Me
Rome, NY
Apr 27, 2001
Member Since