May 22, 2008

Had a week at cocoa beach and made my goal of size 16. Have had to do some shopping to keep myself in wearable clothes. Don't want to spend a lot right now, but don't want to be arrested for indecent exposure either. Just taking off a wek from working out took its toll. First time back to the Y and I was as weak as a kitten; taking all the vits, iron, B-12, getting about 1200 cals with 90-110 gms of protein so I don't know why I want to sleep all of the time again. Have to see what happens now that I am back to workouts. I am just over 5 months out and am down 72.5 pounds. Things are sure slowing down but I guess that is expected. I'll just keep on with what I am doing.

3 1/2 months

Mar 31, 2008

I guess it has been a while since I blogged. Things are just keepin' on. Been going to the Y, and days I don't I am doing at least 2 hours of heavy yard work. I think I am going to start a free-weight class next week. My Y routine is getting boring. Really bummed that I can't fit into smaller clothes than I had stored. Really want to fit into a 16, like I did 13 years ago. I know I am only about 20 pounds heavier than I was then, but no dice yet. Making a goal to be in 16 when we take mini-vacation middle of May. Hope it works

One month surgiversary

Jan 09, 2008

Well, here I find myself one month out and I sure don't look the same as my  preop pictures.  I suppose the loss of 34# may have something to do with it!!
We were talking this morning and I haven't completely decided if the agony I went through the first post-op week has been erased or even diminished by the weight loss. I did receive some satisfaction however; this morning I tried on clothes that haven't fit me in years and now they fit!! Go figure!!
I am still adjusting my brain hunger to my pouch size. Took a couple of extra bites at supper last night and had my first "upheaval". Not a pleasant thing but reinforced the reasons why I need to limit how much food I start out with on my plate since evidently I have yet to recognize "the full feeling" in time.
Walking daily and plenty of fluids seem to be my hurdles for this week so something new to obsess about.

it only took doctor's talking...

Dec 02, 2007

Well, you have thought we were reinventlng the wheel. faxes, e-mail, phone calls, blah-blah-blah. Finally when Dr Jawad got involved, all of  the cardiology woes went to the curb. I am all set now ( I hope, I've said that before, haven't I?) for preop visit Thursday. I guess I should be nervous, but I'm not. I think I had enough streess just getting to this point, I have run out. Man, this 2 weels of shakes is tough. I wonder if it is a test to see if we give up??But not me!! Maybe not having musch to eat after surgery won't be so hard after I have starved for 2 weeks?

Back on track....yipee

Nov 27, 2007

Well they tried to get me down, but I guess it didn't work. After reviewing old records, cardiologist has cleared me for surgery!!
So here we go.

What can happen next?

Nov 24, 2007

From recent e-mail to OH friend.....

I guess most of the cardiac clearance issues had to do with my expectations........I feel fine, no cardiac symptoms, work 6-8 hours straight to keep up this big house, blah, blah, blah..So when they told me that I would have to have a cardiac clearance because of my age, I thought no problem.
Made the appointment;figured the doc would look at me, see what a fine, healthy specimen I was and just sign off for the surgery. Well, that's when things started to go south. He said he would need an echocardiogram and stress test to "be sure" there were no problems. His office staff told me when I scheduled the tests, that he would just take a quick peek at the results and they would fax the clearance the next morning to Dr Jawad's office. So, okay, I figured why not??? I am fine, it should be a breeze!!! Had both tests and suddenly, had to make an appointment for follow-up on tests results!! After some rapid rationalization on my part, I decided that since my insurance had authorized 4 visits, he probably wanted to take advantage of that, and squeeze another office visit out of the insurance. *****Side was this sort of rationalization that allowed be to become obese in the first place*****
Well, cut to late Wednesday afternoon, day before Thanksgiving, he shows me the results of both the echo and the stress test. "severely abnormal" on both tests....I lost it!!
I reminded him I had no symptoms, had undergone stress tests in my past, with 2 follow-up cardiac caths that were completely I couldn't have suspected coronary artery disease resulting in no blood flow to the front of my heart. So, he told me if I could get copies of the previous testing, he would be able to verify that there were no new issues and he could clear me. If not, then cardiac cath/probably angioplasty were in my near future. I COMPLETELY LOST IT. Forget the gastric bypass, now he was talking about my one and only ticker. And as he was peeling me off the exam room ceiling, he casually mentions that large breasts can skew the results. DUH...I think I fall into the large breast category. By now it is 3:30pm the afternoon before Thanksgiving and I am driving home, bawling all of the way. When I finally get home, I call the hospital where these tests were last done and the doctor's office that also had the test results. They were done in Panama City and they both tell me they can do nothing until Monday morning. So basically I had a choice. Either sit and stew, without my old friend food to help me get through(since I am in the preop diet mode) or make it through the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend  "cold turkey" (HA-HA). So it has been a treat, but I have stayed so busy, I haven't had time to really brood about it. Prayers from good friends and family must have made the difference.And here we are...sorry about the long rambling story, but I think it may have been therapeutic to get it out in a somewhat organized way. Hopefully, will have it all sorted out by tomorrow afternoon and I will know what is happening.

*******what a wonderful time of year to have a chance to remind myself of what really matters in my, family, friends........sometimes I forget

Wearing myself out

Nov 19, 2007

Trying to get everything done for the holidays ahead of time is exhausting me. Outside decorated, 3 trees up, only one decorated. Christmas shopping done except for the grandkids and hubby. Have to bake 3 pies Wednesday and see cardiologist. Sure better get the surgery clearance from him or I won't be a happy camper. Been on Atkins for 1 week  now, and have lost 10 pounds. It has worked for me before and I have lost; problem with me and all programs, losing is not theissues...keeping it off is the snag.
Been a b.....!! the last few days. Don't know if it is anxiety about the surgery or lack of carbs in my diet. Trying to hold my tongue and not commit spouse-a-cide.

November 11

Nov 11, 2007

Less than 1 month to surgery. I have done the labs, US of gallbladder, Psych consult, nutritional consult. Been approved by TRICARE. Have a preop visit scheduled, surgery date set. Thought I would have the cardiac clearance after the Stress test Thursday (6 excrutiating hours), echocardiogram Friday, but the cardiologist wants a followup appointment before he will clear me for surgery. That will be November 21, day before Thanksgiving. I know he didn't find any heart issues, I feel fine. Just another speed bump on the road to freedom. Wrote my story today. Felt strange to put all of those thoughts down in a somewhat organized fashion. Very enlightening on a personal level. concerns that are running through my mind
1. will I get everything done for Christmas before surgery?
2. how will i handle having hubby drive me...he makes me a nervous wreck!!
3. will I lose my already sparse hair?
4. how will I exist 2 weeks on liquid meal replacements?
Maybe I will allow my self 10 minutes a day to think about these things...and not think of the them the rest of the day 

About Me
Spring Hill, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 27, 2007
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 8
3 1/2 months
One month surgiversary
it only took doctor's talking...
Back on track....yipee
What can happen next?
Wearing myself out
November 11
