4 years later...

Jun 08, 2012

I lost all my weight! got down to 120 at 9 months post op. Now that I am 4 years post op, I am steady at 139 and a size 6/8. I am scheduled for plastic surgery next Friday, 6/15/2012! I am having a full tummy tuck, breast lift w/ implants, arm lift, and inner thigh lift. I am so very excited! I'm not looking for the PS to lose weight, but hopefully 5 or 6 pounds, we will see, lol!

so 5 months later...

Jun 21, 2008

So, 5 months later, I am 1 month post-op. I have lost 20 lbs, my cholesterol has gone from 203 to 144, my triglycerides have gone from 179 to 148, and most importantly I am off insulin!!! I am feeling pretty good, still very tired, I think this might change when I finally get back to work this Thursday. Some of my "skinny clothes" are starting to fit and I have already had to buy new bras...down in band size, up in cup size, I am not complaining, lol! Hopefully I will have continued success and all will go well in the future!

Journey Update

Jan 30, 2008

So here is an update to my journey. I had my nutrition consultation today which wraps up all the requirements my surgeon has in order to submit to insurance. The NUT said she would have all the notes finished up and sent over to the surgeon's office by tomorrow afternoon. I have been to the psychologist and taken the MMPI...567 questions...whew, that was a long one. I am waiting for those results to come back in the mail (this week sometime). That same day (the 23rd) I had my first actual appointment with Dr. Lin and we discussed my surgery options. When I first started this journey, I had in my head that I was going to have RNY, then I talked to some banders and thought that I would go with LAP-Band. I thought my decision had been made, but Dr. Lin felt that RNY would be better for me due to my Type II Diabetes. He is the professional so thats what I am going with. It wasn't a hard decision since that was what I was planning on in the first place. So, to summarize, hopefully by Monday, all of my paperwork will have been submitted to the insurance company for approval, then its just a waiting game. I am rather excited though!!!

Apponitment with PCP

Jan 15, 2008

Today was my first appointment with my new PCP since I moved across town. My purpose was to get my medical necessity letter for my insurance approval packet. His office staff was very nice, though he was a little negative, but I didn't let that get me down. I left his office without the letter and with no idea when it would be written, only a promise of a phone call when it was ready. I wasn't really impressed...until 3 hours after my appointment...I received a phone call from his nurse telling me that the letter was ready! She read it to me over the phone, it sounded very good, but it didn't include my BMI. I asked her if the doc could edit it for me and she said she would ask and call me back. Not 5 minutes later she called me back and told me it was done!! I was so excited! I now have all of my documents needed, now i just have to set up my consultation appointments. So far so good!

About Me
Atlanta, GA
Surgery Date
Jan 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 4
so 5 months later...
Journey Update
Apponitment with PCP
