Hello, I am a 35 year old married mother of two beautiful girls ages 14 and 10.  I have been heavy since the birth of my first daughter.  I have high blood pressure as well as a family history of diabetes and heart disease.  I have decided that I need to do something before it is too late.  I want to be there for my children as well as my husband.  I have decided to have the Laproscopic RNY surgery at EMMC.  I am hoping to have it by the end of this year.  So far I have had my orientation/education class in August 2007, my first Nutritionist appt. August 2007, and my second Nutritionist appt. Sept. 19, 2007.  I am scheduled for my sleep study Sept. 26, 2007, Psych. Eval. on Sept. 27, 2007 and my last Nutritionist appt. Oct. 12, 2007, then I will meet with my surgeon to get insurance approval and set my surgery date.  I will try to keep my page updated with the progress I make on my journey.

9/26/07- I went in for my sleep study tonight.  Everything went very well, I don;t have sleep apnea.  It was a little tricky trying to sleep with all the wires connected to me, but I did manage to get into a deep enough sleep to snore.  LOL.  

9/27/07- Today I went in for my Psych. Eval.  The Doctor was very nice.  He gave me the thumbs up  and said I should be fine having the surgery.  I was very nervous going in to the appointment because I didn't know what to expect, but it was nothing.  The 530 question test was a little long, but no big deal.  

10/18/07-I went in for my Sleep Study results, it turns out I do have Sleep Apnea.  I guess the Tech was wrong.  So now I have to go in for another sleep study and be fitted for a CPAP machine.  I am not going to complain too much, I would rather have them take care of it than to have something go wrong.  This will put my surgery off until at least January.  

11/18/07- I had my second sleep study.  All went well, I had to wear the CPAP machine all night.  It took some getting used to, but I actually slept pretty good with it.  Now I need to go back to the respitory specialist and then it is off to the surgeon.  I most likely wont have the surgery now until February.  Bye for now.

11/28/07- I received my date to meet with the surgeon.  I go on January 4th at 9:00am.  I will update after I meet with her.

1/04/08 - I met Dr. Toder today.  She is very nice and right to the point.  She said I am a good candidate for the surgery and has submitted my paperwork to insurance for approval.  She did tell me my surgery will most likely be in February.  Bye for now

1/11/08 - I have a date .  I go in for RNY surgery with Dr. Toder at EMMC on February 28th.  I don't have any appointments scheduled between now and then so I won't update until I have the surgery.  I'm hoping the time goes by fast.

2/11/08 - Turns out I need to have an EKG and some more bloodwork done before surgery.  I go tomorrow for both.  No big deal, just a precaution.  I will be starting my liquid diet on 2/18.  Unitl next time!  Good luck to everyone on this journey!

3/08/08 - Well I had my surgery on Feb. 28th and came home from the hospital on Mar 1st.  I had no complications, but I still have a pulling sensation in my belly when I ride in the car and we hit a bump or if I laugh or cough.  I have been on a liquid diet for three weeks (my surgeon requires a 2 week pre-op liquid diet) now and it is getting old.  I'm not hungry, just tired of drinking everthing I eat.  I want to chew something.  When I started my liquid diet I weighed 248.6 and today I weigh 227, so in three weeks I have lost 21.6 lbs .  Will update after my two week follow-up.

3/18/08 - I had my 2 week follow-up on Friday.  Dr. Toder say's I am doing great.  She said the pulling I am having is normal and not to worry.  She said even though we only have small scars on the outside they do a number on the inside and it will take time to heal.  I also met with the dietician, she has advanced me to the next stage.  I can now have limited food.  My fluid intake is better, but I still have trouble with protein.  At least I can chew!  I am doing real good with this so far.  As of today I weigh 221.6, so that's 27lbs gone forever!!  Until next time.

04/11/08 - I had my first mini wow moment.  I fit into a pair of size 18 jeans.  I was sooo excited!!  I started out wearing a size 24 jeans, so in just six weeks I have gone from a size 24 to 18.

04/21/08 - As of today I weigh 210, I am very pleased with my loss so far!  I had my six week check up on April 11th, both the Nutritionist and surgeon were happy with my progress so far.  They told me I am right where I should be.  I am on a regular solid diet now and doing great.  I did make one mistake, it was my daughters b-day on the 16th of April and she had an ice cream cake, I tried one little tiny sliver with the rest of my family and once I had finished it I instantly became sick.  I did not vomit of get diahrea (sp.?), but it was enough that I will not try eating anything high in sugar again.

06/10/08 - As of today I weigh 189, I am so happy with my progress.  I do still have some trouble with meat, but no big deal if I chew alot and eat slow.  I had my 3 month check-up on 6/2/08.  My nutritionist said everything is looking real good.  I have only lost 1/2 lb of muscle and all my other numbers are right on track.  I wear a size large shirt now and 16-18 jean.  It is amazing to me how I don't miss food.  I took my kids to Dairy Queen the other day and wasn't even tempted to try anything.  One thing I still need to work on is increasing my exercise.  Until next time.

07/10/08 - As of today I weigh 176, I can't believe the difference in the way I feel.  I am able to do so much more. On Sunday I went to my brothers for a little family get together and we played horseshoes, the next day I wasn't even sore and I didn't get tired when we were playing.  Amazing, before I would have thrown a couple of times and said I was done.  I still have not cheated, I think I am afraid of what might happen.  Maybe get sick or worse not get sick and find out I am able to eat things I shouldn't.  I still don't miss any foods I used to eat I think it is because I can see the results now.  I am able to shop in the regular departments now, but it's funny I still first go to the plus size department and then realize I can't fit in those clothes anymore.  What a great feeling!!  When I have my picture taken now I only have one chin with just a few wrinkles. LOL.  I will update again soon!

09/04/08 - As of today I weigh 158 (18 more lbs to goal), I had my 6 month check-up on Aug 26th with the surgeon and nutritionist.  Both said I am doing fantastic.  The surgeon actually said I could stop taking my vitamin d because my labs came back so good.  I have only lost 4 lbs of muscle total since my surgery which I guess is really good.  I feel great, have had no complications and have a ton more energy.  I started out in a size 24 jeans and now wear a 12 or 14.  My surgeon said something to me that made me really think.  She said try strapping the 90 lbs you have lost on your back and see how far you could get.  When I thought of it that way it is amazing I could get out of bed in the morning.  No wonder I was huffing and puffing walking up a flight of stairs.  I am very happy with the new healthier me.  I don;t have alot of skin issues either.  I still don;t push the eating.  I stick with my three small meals a day and avoid anything sweet.  Will post again soon.

10/21/08 - As of today I weigh 148 lbs.  I have lost 100lbs in just under eight months.  I still feel great and have not had any complications.  I eat 3 small meals a day and stay away from sweets.  The hardest thing sometimes is remembering to eat.  I still very rarely feel hungry.  I still don;t exercise like I should, but I am in the process of improving that area.  I have alot more energy and am way more active than I was before surgery.  I wish everyone just starting out the best of luck.  Bye for now.

11/26/08 - I HIT MY GOAL!!!  As of today I weigh 139lbs.  I am actually under my goal weight.  This has been such a great journey.  I have been very lucky to not have any complications and it is amazing how normal we can still live after the surgery.  I eat dinner with my family every night.  I do however not eat anything sweet and I very rarely snack.  I try to stick with my three small meals a day.  I go in for my check-up with the nutritionist today for the test that tells me where I need to be calorie wise to maintain.  I will check back in later to let everyone know how it went.

12/29/08 - Today I weighed 136 lbs.  I have lost 3 lbs between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  That is unbelievable.  On November 26th I had a visit with the Nutritionist and it went very well.  I had the test for my matabolism.  Turns out I have a slightly fast matabolism.  She said to maintain were I was I needed to consume between 1900-2400 calories a day and to lose 1/2 lb a week average I should eat around 1500 a day and to keep losing like I have been under 1200 a day.  I told her I average 1000 a day and didn't think I couldd fit all the calories in.  She said I didn't have to worry yet.  She said I could go down as low as 120, but no lower.  She said to add Trailmix or nuts to my diet if I start getting close to the 120 mark.  She said they are high in calories, but also have a lot of protein.  I have added the trailmix as a snack, not everyday, but once in a while.  Bye for now.

06/19/12 - I haven't updated in awhile.  I am still doing great.  Weighed myself this morning and weighed 130lbs.  I can't believe how wonderful this surgery has been for me.  I feel like a new person.  I have unlimited energy and feel younger because of that.  I am currently in college getting my associates in Medical Assisting @ Beal College.  I have three clinical labs left and I'm done.  Can't wait to start my new career to go along with the new me.  Hope everyone is doing good and sorry for taking so long to update.  Good luck to everyone starting out and believe me from experience you will not regret it. 

About Me
Dexter, ME
Surgery Date
Jul 25, 2007
Member Since

Friends 19
