One month since surgery

Jun 05, 2009

Hi! Well,  it has been a month. I am now under 250# for the first time for years! I feel so much better already. I am trying to eat more solid foods but it is sometimes a trial and error method to find what seems to set well with my stomach. I am getting very tired of protein shacks but they fill out what I can't get enough of. I don't feel hungry but get light headed and an icky feeling when I need to eat. People are starting to notice that I am getting smaller and that is nice.
I have found out how many things I have bought and put away because they were too small and now they are fitting!
I notice so much about advertizing about food on TV and in magazines--I notice so many obese people and see what a health problem it is. I sure avoided thinking about it before.  I hope I never forget where I have come from and the struggle it has been. I thank God every day for this opportunity  to get back a healthy body.           


About Me
Springfield, OR
Surgery Date
Jun 12, 2008
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