6 months since surgery

Nov 05, 2009

I have lost 70 lbs and have hit a plateau. But I am still loosing inches. I feel wonderful and I am in a size 16 jeans! I was in sizes 22 and 24. What a difference! I don't have much saggy skin, and I think exersize will firm it up more. My feet used to burn with pain after I walked and now they don't. My snoring is so gone unless I have a little wine. found out that there is nopthing wrong with drinking coffee--in moderation. But I have also found out that I can eat forbidden foods. So I have to grow up and use my tool and work the program.

My 6 months labs came back and everything was good except a little bit low in Vitamin D. But I had a huge difficiency 6 months ago so it is better.

My next goal is to get to One-der-land. Under 200. I have already rode a bike, weigh less than my husband and bought a pair of jeans.

I think I look pretty good for a 62 year old Grandma!

Keep it up everyone. This is a gift and we must use our second chance wisely.

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About Me
Springfield, OR
Surgery Date
Jun 12, 2008
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