Marmee Noir (mother of all darkness)
6/7 month update
Oct 28, 2007
I missed my 6 month update. Forgot to take pics. All is well. I have now lost 106lbs. Feeling great. My blood work came back ok. Im anemic (was before surgery too, but Im on Iron so they think it will resolve itself) and I had low vitamin D. So they called me in a script for that. Ive been having tons of fun shopping!! Get to go to discount stores (Love me some rugged wearhouse) and to Hot Topic. YAY!!!!! Ive never been able to buy at either place off the rack. Im now a loose 14 in pants, bordering a 12 and a L in shirts. Pretty great!!! I am constantly cold, so Im usually looking for warm stuff. Off to buy more jammies today. Love em. Maybe my updated pics will be in my jammies. Sounds good to me. I am 25 lbs from goal. Dr. Bauman is sure Ill reach goal. My goal that is. His goal is 159, I say 150 would be better. Once I hit that maybe we will renegotiate what goal should be. I have extra skin around my stomach, hips and legs. Sucks, but its better than being morbidly obese!!! I toy with the idea of plastics, but its way to early just yet. Have to be at a stable weight for a year before I can think about that. I can see my bones, not in an anorexic way but in a normal body weight way. You can see my collar bones, shoulder blades, hip bones, and some of my vertebra. Im pretty stoked about that just because I havent had bones in 14 years. Its pretty exciting to me. Dont worry I wont be obessessed with bones. That can lead to other issues. Thats my update for now, I go to my 7month appt on 10/30. Ill update more then and will put more pics up too.
5 months
Sep 01, 2007
Well, Ive been VERY slack about uploading pics and updating this. Im at 5 months now. Check out the pics. Im in my jammies. I have lost 87lbs. I have 44 more to go. Doing great. I have hit WONDERLAND, which was awesome. I can do a ton of things that I havent in a while. I go to the movies a bunch because the seats dont give me trouble. Ive gone go karting with my family. Didnt have to have the seatbelt all the way out and still have to suck in to try to get it buckled. I can shop in the juniors department now which is very odd. The best part and this may sound lame but I can actually wear Victorias Secret undies now. I havent been able to since I was 18!!!!!!!!!!! My husband dug that one too. HEHE. Im working out a bunch trying to fill up some of my extra skin. Im not loving that. The excercise I do, but the skin is a bummer. Im hoping and praying that it will shrink itself away. I hear that it can take up to a year for it to go back. We shall see.
3 months post op
Jul 03, 2007
I had my 3 month post op visit yesterday. I have lost 64 lbs. Dr.B says Im right on track and doing well. Eating is going fine. No troubles. Excercise is fine too. I know I need to cook more and try more foods. I havent tried a single fruit yet for fear of dumping. I know I should be able to tolerate them but havent done it. Maybe tomorrow. I bought some watermellon for the 4th and might have a bite. Dont really have anything else to report for now. I will post updated measurements and pics soon. Got to get AAron to help me with that.
2 months post op
May 28, 2007
Well Im 2 months post op today. I have now lost 51 lbs. I lost my preop measurements which really sucks!! I measured at 5 weeks out so since then I have lost 1/8 of an inch in my arms, 2 1/4 inches in my chest, 5 inches in my waist, 5 1/2 inches in my hips, and 6 inches in my legs. YAY!!!!
Todays wow moments: I went to the movies and had extra room in the seat. I was able to cross my legs my like a chick and less like a guy. Another big YAY!!!
Slacking off on the blog
May 24, 2007
Sorry guys. I have been so busy doing stuff that I havent posted. Im down 45 lbs now which is great!!! Been walking and lifting weights. Was released early by my doctor to begin lifting. YAY!!! My goal is to have the fat melt off and have some defined (in a girly way of course) muscles to replace it with. Been trying to do a ton of tricep stuff to hopefully aid in getting rid of any bat wings that think they can stick around. My husband thinks its in my head. Ive always been critical about my arms even when I was thin in highschool. So we shall see. Still need to make my appt with the excercise guy. Been doing pretty well on my own though. Kind of enjoy excercise at this point. I do 1/2 hour of cardio and a 1/2 hour of weight training M-F. Then on the weekends I garden a ton and clean the house. I count it as excercise since Im always sore when Im done and I get my heart rate up doing it.
Food stuff is going fine. Only a few things I cant tolerate. I cant eat tuna fish or tuna steak. Its so heavy and yucky. Also cant seem to eat turkey. Had some roasted turkey the other day with some gravy to keep it moist. Didnt work out for me at all!!!! Also cant do cream or cheese soups. Im thinking the fat content in them is the issue. Not a bad thing to not be able to eat.
Boy have my tastes changed. Ok, so I was craving a big mac. Use to LOVE them preop. So my husband got one, I had a bite of the meat with some of the special sauce. YUCK!!!! How the heck did I eat that nasty crap before surgery? I just dont get it. Was totally disgusting and has cured my desire for crap food.
One thing Ive really learned is PLAN YOUR MEALS!! Went to Carowinds a couple weeks ago. Figured oh, I should be able to find something there I could eat. WHO WAS I KIDDING???? So I tried a fried cheese, pulled off the nasty dough stuff and it was jalepaneo. Ok, pouchy no likey!!! Thought ok, my coworkers that had MGB eat french fries like crazy maybe I could split cheese fries with my family. I ate just the toppings at first, then tried a fry. MISTAKE!!!! Had a mild dumping experience on one fry. Made me never want to do that again. Not sure how my coworkers do it but glad I cant. That would be a horrible trap to fall back into.
Have definately noticed a difference in my clothes. I wear them till they literaly fall off of me. Dont want to spend money for a temporary size. Only bought one new thing. A pair of shorts. Havent worn shorts in about 4 years I think. My husband made me do it. I tried to wear some capris and they were falling off. I was supposed to meet his coworkers for family day at Carowinds. So, I gave in and let him buy em for me. My body heat warmed em up and they are now too big too. Nice problem to have if you can get it!!!
Uploaded some of my belly pics. My 5 week out pics I dont like. I look sad in them for some odd reason. Guess Ill skip those and put in my 8 week pics when I take em.
2 week nutrition visit
Apr 17, 2007
The nutritionist appt went well. It was VERY fast, but that was fine with me. Ive noticed that when I get all my protein in I loose more weight, but if Im slack that day the scale doesnt move much. Ive now decided not to watch the scale every day anymore. Im thinking thats probably a bad habit to get into. So, Ill just way myself on Mondays and forget it exists the rest of the time.
Ive been back to work for over a week and am doing great. No problems to speak of. Plenty of energy. Im doing my walking and stuff. Water is still a challenge for me but Im doing my best. I know the signs of dehydration and am being very careful not to allow that to happen. I get in like 50 or 55 oz so Im really not in any danger of that which is good.
1 week post op
Apr 05, 2007
I had my one week postop visit yesterday. I have already lost 10 lbs!!!! They removed my staples and put on some steristrips, minus the benzoine. A couple of my friends got blisters from the benzoine and I was already have reactions to the normal bandaids so I didnt want to run the risk of blisters too. Im feeling good. Getting in my protein and excercise. Water is more difficult, but Im getting as close as I can without giving myself a stomach ache. I got to 61oz one day, but wow my stomach hurt!!!! Dont want to do that again. So, slow sipping for me. Cant wait until next week when I can have something other than liquids. Im not hungry but liquids are sooo boring. I also know that I will need to eat soon. My doctor wants you to use protein drinks as a supplement to food not as your main source of nutrition. I need to get back in a routine of cooking for my family. I havent done that since I got home from the hospital. My dad has been cooking for them. Thanks dad!
Mar 31, 2007
It was great being able to visit with everyone and it was an encouragement to me. Thank you all!!!
Friday, My first day home.
Mar 31, 2007
My surgery experience
Mar 30, 2007