5 days post op Lap RNY

Oct 22, 2010

Had a mixed day today.

Couple of good naps, lots of gas, several walks but I can't do far.

Was alone while hunny popped out to work and toddler was at daycare. Got too bloated with gas and couldn't get out of recliner. Called my brother in tears to come extract me!! Good to have support.

Took a gas x, a walk, more fluids, hubby came home, ate some broth (first time hungry since surgery) and am feeling a HECK of alot cheerier. What a roller coaster.

Tomorrow hubby going out in evening, is a referee for local roller derby and it is his last game of their season. A work friend is coming to sit with me and Joey. (She is an MRI Tech and is good with patients!!!)  Sunday a friend from church is bringing Scott and Joey dinner. Chatted to few friends today and feel abit more upbeat.

What a rollercoaster!!!  Off to make the baby a piece of gormet toast!!! 

