Updated Blog (intro)

Jun 13, 2011

Updated Intro 8/4/2015

About me. I'm orginially from Peterborough, Ontario. Went to school in Ottawa, where I met my (now ex) husband Craig. We married when we were almost 23. I've been overweight since I hit puberty, and then obese on and off since late highschool. I have two children, Hannah who is 12 and Nick who is almost 10. 

In 2008, I was approved to have RNY surgery in MI, but our family had auditioned for a television show that would help us eat better and get active and we made it onto the show, so we did that instead of me having surgery. It helped for a bit, but once it was over the weight quickly made it's way back....as it always does. I decided to go back for approval, and the paperwork was sent right after the cut-off date to go to MI, and so I went onto the Ontario Network. They approved me in January 2010 and called the wrong number for nine months trying to get my appointment set up for the orientation class. Needless to say I went to my orientation in September, and then the nurse and other appointments in the months after that. 
On March 18, 2011 I met my surgeon Dr. Mary Ann Aarts, and got a shock of a lifetime. She said, "How flexible is your schedule?" I told her very flexible. Then she set my surgery date for the following Wednesday!!

I was happy and shocked for the rest of the day. I had one last meal...of sushi and started the lovely Ontario enforced Optifast....for four days, (plus one meal). I'm very lucky that I didn't have to do the full two weeks!!

I wasn't too pleased with the hospital I had my surgery in. Toronto East General's staff has no clue what to do with bariatric patients. I know they warned us to dilute our own juice, but when you're high on morpheine, and you don't have visitors for your first "meal", you tend to forget these things. I had full sugar juice, and full sugar jello as my first meal. The dietician and I are not sure if I dumped or not, but from what i read, I did....my heart was racing, I was sweating, I exploded. Good lord!!

I reached my goal weight at 13 months out. I reached my lowest weight two years out. Bounced back 10 pounds....back to goal weight. 

Fast forward to 4.5 years later. From Hospital weight to lowest weight, I lost 105 pounds. I sit at, or below, goal weight...unless I start eating crap and then i'm up a few pounds and I get it off again. I am very active and started exercise as soon as I could after surgery. I did my first sprint triathlon 3 months post surgery. I hated running, but wanted to do a running race. I kept trying and giving up, and finally started running with goals in mind 18 months post surgery. I signed up for a half marathon, and completed it 2 years post-surgery. Since then I have raced another half marathon, three full marathons, two half Ironman races and i'm training for my first full Ironman August 30th, 2015. I love seeing what I can do, and I actually love training and meeting the people with the same interests. 

I have a new man and family in my life. We met October, 2011 and have been together ever since. He also has two children, so I now have a family of six...and one puppy dog. We are active and enjoy life....and cooking things with bacon. Ha!

And that's about it for me right now. 

Hope you enjoyed my little story :-) 


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2010
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After (2 years out - 2013)

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