Opti-Fast Day 2 - Surgery t minus 19 days and counting

Mar 27, 2014

Well, I have been following posts on this site for sometime, and I have heard a lot phrases bandied about, Opti-Gag, Opti-Trots, Opti-Puke, you get the drift. I am finding the Opti a little sweet so that may be an issue later on in the journey, but for right now, I am using my Torani Sugar Free syrups and am not finding much issue with getting the stuff down my gullet. I am VERY, VERY happy for having the option to have some cucumber (with balsamic vinegar) and some broth to give a little bit of variety.

I have suffered from a low grade headache since last night and it doesn't seem to respond to any pain killers, I have a feeling it is my body de-toxifying after not eating for almost 48 hours now. I am also suffering from the Opti-Trots (too much info I know) and I certainly hope it doesn't last all the way until the surgery. I'm not really having a problem with hunger yet, although the odor of other people in the office having there lunches, pizza, burgers, subs, that kind of thing is a little tough to take. What helps me most, in the evening is that my wife is supporting my journey by having only meal replacements in the evening and not snacking on high fat, high calorie stuff, at least while I am around anyway, she is my biggest fan and an even bigger supporter. I admit to feeling quite irritable today and am trying to curb that feeling but know it's going to be tough and only get tougher as I go.

I have read many people saying the 3rd or 4th day is the worst and thankfully that will happen on the weekend so I can not be around my work mates when I hit the worst time.

I'll let you know how it goes.

