Hey there everyone!!!! My name is Kevin Reynolds and im 28 years old my wife Sarah and i havve been married for 6 years this august YAY!!!YES my wife and i are christians!!!  God has been a HUGE part our life and still is,   PRAISE GOD! my wife and i are youth leaders at our church here in clarkston and we love it alot!! sarah and i have been in the lewiston/clarkston area for 5 years and we love it here! We have 2 kids amelia is 4 going on 30 and micah who is 9 months old they are awesome !!!!! God has blessed me alot!!!!  I was an EMT for 2 years  in orofino idaho, until my wieght was an issue and i was unfairly discriminated against by a nurse in the hospital so i had to step down from doing EMS service, on the brighter side when i lose my wieght i will be rejoining the EMS  service once again!!!  my background lets see i was born and raised in kent washington where i was brought up in a wonderful family, my mom was a homemaker and my dad was disabled with back problems, in 1996 my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and then died in my arms in 1998. when i was growing up food was big in my family we werent rich by any means , we had to make things stretch, my mom was raised in the south and so fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy was a staple and of course i didnt know any better! when i was in high school i was active and played sports mainly track and field and i loved it and was good at it! but it wasnt until my dad passed away that my wieght was getting worse, over the years i just kept gaining wieght and i everntually got to my maximum weight of 550+ pounds, of course i tried to diet and stuff but it wasnt coming off and my doctors soo told me if i didnt do something that i was going to die soon. i didnt want that at all i have alot to live for! at the time of my maximum wieght my daughter was born and i finally decided enough was enough i had to do something! well i researched all the bariatric surgery stuff and i knew that was for me! but at that time i didnt have medical insurance and so i was in limbo, until i moved back into washington from idaho and found out that the state of washington views obesity a disease and that medicaid pays for it, so thats what i did i got disabilty for my wieght and the chronic vienous insufficency in my legs and got onto medicaid. so now that i have rambled on i had to see a dietician for 6 months have a phsyc eval, labs , cardiac clearence, etc to have gastric bypass surgery and now i have a date set for october 2nd!!!! i cant wait i am soo thrilled to be at an end of one journey and begining another!! famliy members are worried that i will chage and be snooty when i get smaller but i told them no way !!! i maybe smaller but i will be that same loveable kevin!!! thanks for taking the time to read all this and remember God loves you and you are awesome and dont let anyone tell you any different!!!!! and if you have time messege me sometime!!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!

About Me
clarkston, WA
Surgery Date
Aug 22, 2007
Member Since

Friends 37
