almost 11 months - Actually weigh 10 lbs less than my goal!

Mar 08, 2010

Its hard to believe its been 10 1/2 months since I had my surgery.

So much has happened this last year.

I have lost over 100 lbs and 16 inches on my waist. I feel like a new person, or rather the old me before I had let myself go.

I am back at the gym and feeling good about myself and I feel so much more secure.

I can go to the store now and buy clothes off the racks and I can fly without worrying if the seatbelt will fit me.  I fit on rollercoasters and I can wear my ex's clothes which amazes me.

People tell me I am thin, its unbelievable.

I am exploring plastic surgery, planning to actually go to Mexico to see Dr Sauceda and get a Lower body lift and my arms done so I feel comfortable in a bathing suit. After all I live in Florida.

Planning on a June 24th or 25th surgery date. Really scared!

More to follow on this later.

