6 Month Anniversary
Oct 12, 2010
Well my six month anniversary was yesterday (10/12/2010) and I am proud to say I am down 61lbs!!!! Its been a rocky yet somewhat smooth ride learning to eat healthier and getting on an exercise regiment. I am happy with my progress and hope to reach my goal soon. My goal is 180lbs. I am now weighing 215. I am working out 4x a week with a personal trainer. I have some skin hanging on my arms and on the inside of my legs but with my trainers help I am making progress everyday. I will come back and update my progress! Just remember to take your vitamins and protein. Oh yeah my hair did thin a little from not doing my protein correctly but its growing back fine now. So protein is extremely important. Let's work it out to meet our goals!!!!!
June Update
Jun 17, 2010
So far so good with my weight loss. I am adjusting to my new lifestyle. I sure miss having an occasional alcoholic beverage.
I have lost a total of 34lbs and feel GREAT! I've been slacking on my exercise and protein, but I'm going to do better, these two things are key to continuing to lose weight. I will try and update my progress each month. I did reach my goal of losing 30-40 by my birthday now I'm going to set a 10lb goal, wish me luck!!! Talk to you soon!
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My Progress
Apr 19, 2010
I had the Gastric Bypass on April 12, 2010 so I'm 1 week post op. So far things have been going good. I am a little sore but overall OK. Like most I have dealt with the issue of not being able to eat what I want when I want to. I think this is the only time when I regret having the surgery. I get hungry and my only options were broth, jello, and Popsicles, which by the way I am tired of eating. Now that I can have the cream soup I feel a little better. But it does get hard watching your family eat whatever it is they want and you can't. I'm dealing with that emotion.
Starting out on this weight loss journey I weighed 276, the week before surgery at my pre-op I weighed 269, one week post opt I'm now weighing 261. This is what makes me realize how grateful I am to have had the surgery, seeing progress. I am going to continue on the right path. By my birthday in July I hope to have lost at least 30-40lbs so as soon as the doctor clears me to work out its on. I will keep you updated on my progress.