Tuesday, June 9
Jun 09, 2009
What a rainy and chilly day!! I know we need the rain for the flowers and trees but it could have subsided today since I had to be running around, right? ~smile~I got about 8 hours sleep last night; in 2 separate instances. I didn't want to get up for my appointment this morning but I did anyway. Then of course, the rain started as I was coming out of the appointment! Oh well, I was able to wake up and enjoy another day with the family.
WEIGHT: Still at 284, as far as I know. Next weigh in is 6.11.09
DIET: I got my 8 glasses of water in today. I ate late because of my gallbladder ultrasound today. I had a homemade banana muffin and then we went to Chili's for lunch. I should have had the fried Chicken Crispers. My stomach just rolled all afternoon. I took my son to work at 5pm and finally had to go to the bathroom to dispel (doesn't that sound so much better than saying vomit or having diarrhea??) my lunch. I felt SOOOO much better. I have a feeling that the fried foods and sugars are going to cause me to dump. I can have a bite now with no problem but anymore and it's a horrible feeling. I had a pork BBQ sandwich this evening with a Fiber One yogurt and Cozy Shack pudding cup and sugar free jello. I'm full and probably won't eat anything more tonight. I'm craving my water...so I know I'm dehydrated from not taking anything for 9 hours this morning. ETA-just checked...protein is down today. I only consumed 39 grams. Gotta change that tomorrow.
EXERCISE: I didn't do too much but take a long hour nap. I did walk to the ultrasound and realized I parked in the wrong area. So 5 minutes walking there, 5 minutes walking to the neurosurgeon's office and back and 5 minutes walking around at the office. Not much today. I AM going to do better tomorrow!
SUPPORT GROUPS: Wednesday 6.17--Living Life WLS Group (Jules' group) from 7-9pm at Roger Williams Hospital.
Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital
APPOINTMENTS: Friday 6.12--Heather Gagliardi-/Nutritionist at 8am
I had my gallbladder ultrasound this morning. I was okay with not eating but really had a hard time with the not drinking. I feel like I've been thirsty ALL DAY LONG!! I really do like my water! The ultrasound looked good, so that's one more test down. I couldn't wait to get back home and grab a cold water. I gulped and gulped. I'm going to miss being able to do that. I try really hard to sip, sip, sip and do well but there are times I need to gulp!
INSURANCE: No news. Need to call Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 to followup.
EMOTIONS: Again, doing okay today. The ultrasound was easy to deal with. I had an appointment with the neurosurgeon for my back. That went okay, I guess. Still have pain and we discussed medications; I have to do another round of steroids and I'm concerned about that. The nerve seems to still be inflamed. I'm ready to be better! I was tired from not sleeping so a few petty things annoyed me but I tried not to let them bother me. I'm trying to smile before responding to problems, issues and annoyances. It's been helping. I want this surgery to work. I need this tool to get my life back!
MISC: I went into the office today to see the bosses and to get invoices approved and of course, the bosses weren't there! So I talked with a few co-workers (Backstabbers!) and then left. I was pretty tired by then. I think I am doing really well since my back surgery and then being in the office for an hour has worn me out. I think that's why I slept the hour this afternoon. And of course, since I slept so late in the evening, I'm not tired now. I'm hoping that I can sit down and read for awhile and be able to sleep. I purchased some Tylenol PM to help me sleep...may try that.
Mycah and I are doing a mani-pedi day tomorrow. I can't wait! She goes back home on Thursday evening for her Dad's wedding on Saturday. I'm concerned about her anxiety about the new family but she says she is doing okay. I spoke with her Dad tonight and he is also concerned about her. I can't wait for her to come back on Sunday afternoon! I absolutely love having her here. I hope she is enjoying her time, too!
ETA: The surgeon stated my incision was healing great! The tattoo is matching up well and with all the protein, the skin looks really good! Another reason to continue getting my protein!
About Me
Pawtucket, RI
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2009
Member Since