SummerFit 2009-Week 1
Jun 22, 2009
Making Lifestyle Changes That Last a Lifetime
Summer is here and it is a great time to start making lifestyle changes for a better and healthier you! This can seem like a daunting task, but it can be as simple as making your goals SMART. Setting reachable goals is the key to developing lifelong behavior changes. When setting goals, make them Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound.
Throughout the next six weeks you will be receiving information on how to effectively set reachable goals and achieve success. Before we get there, though, it is important to take a look at your life and decide where you would like to make changes. Take the upcoming week and decide what your short and long term goals might be. For example: a long term goal could be completing next year's Indianapolis Mini Marathon in May. Short term goals that can lead to a goal of running the mini-marathon could include getting fitted for a new pair of running shoes, joining a walking and/or running group (or starting your own), walking or running a 5K in August, walking and running a 10K in December, etc. Setting and achieving small goals can make the end result much more rewarding and the process a little more enjoyable. Another very important, and often overlooked, aspect of goal setting is rewarding yourself along the way for all your hard work. After completion of your first 5K, reward yourself with a relaxing massage or pedicure that will feel great and keep you motivated for achieving the next step.
When deciding what changes you want to make, it is important not to overwhelm yourself with too many changes all at once. Start small and progress from there. Make a list of several lifestyle changes you want to make and choose a place to start. After you celebrate a few small successes you will be eager and ready to add more to your list. Making lifestyle changes can be a fun and rewarding experience if you set yourself up to succeed. Effective goal setting can do just that!
FROM INshape Indiana-Week 1 (I'm originally from Indiana and thought this was great information for me!)
Update in my regular format a bit later.