KLTTX 17 years ago

Sorry this is the first time I have been able to make it on OH. I was soooo tired on Wed after the surgery and all day yesterday too. I think it was the pain meds and the anti-nausea meds that were doing it to me. I am off of them now so I feel a little more normal. Thanks for all of the well wishes.

KLTTX 17 years ago

Sorry this is the first time I have been able to make it on OH. I was soooo tired on Wed after the surgery and all day yesterday too. I think it was the pain meds and the anti-nausea meds that were doing it to me. I am off of them now so I feel a little more normal. Thanks for all of the well wishes.

MMyers1 17 years, 1 month ago

Best of luck today, and look forward to hearing and watching your progress!!

KLTTX 17 years, 1 month ago

Thank you so much for your well wishes. I just finished grocery shopping for all of the stuff I am going to need the first week. I am a little bit nervous but not too bad. Thanks again. Kelly

NELLIE01 17 years, 1 month ago

Wishing you the best of luck with your surgery!!!

NELLIE01 17 years, 1 month ago

Wishing you the best of luck with your surgery!!!

judyanne 17 years, 1 month ago

Wednesday is your day! Just remember you are on the journey of a lifetime. Try to enjoy every minute. It may sound weird now, but know that you are cared for and prayed for here, and all too soon this will be but a memory and you will be an inspiration to someone else. I am waiting for you on the losers' bench! ~JudyAnne~
About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 26, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13
