On Full Diet Now...

Jul 18, 2011

 I'm now on a full diet.  The only foods I can't eat (that I've tried) are bananas and watermelon.  You'd think watermelon would be an easy food, but after only about 1 ounce my pouch hurts and I start burping and feel uncomfortable.  Not dumping.  I haven't dumped on anything, but I also haven't tempted fate by eating a high carb/sugar food, either.  I have been eating a little meat and chew a papaya enzyme in the middle of the meal.  No problem so far.  I find that I spit out more meat than I eat.  I just won't swallow tough, fiberous foods.  

The emotional aspect of it is the hardest.  Meals seem to end before they've really begain.  No comfort, no satisfaction.  I am just learning to get my comfort and satisfaction somewhere else!

Hope everyone is doing great!

