finally home
Apr 07, 2010
Its been a long time since I have blogged on here. Not much of a blogger I guess. Anyway the last few months have been a nightmare it seemed. Everything was working against me getting my surgery. I got sick after cruise, had a lung problem. Then when I went for my surgery, Dr put me out. When I woke up they said they didn't do it as they felt it was too risky due to my lung infection. They gave me massive antibiotics, then sent me home. I was crushed, I didn't know if I should push forward. But after a day I did. I tried to reschedule without much luck. My funding was running out in a few weeks. Finally they said if I could pass a medical with my primary doctor they would fit me in 2 days before funding ran out.I went for medical, doctor gave me go ahead. I went in and was put to sleep......
I woke up 2 days later, on a ventilator. Apparantly I stopped breathing everytime they tried to take out ventilator. They said they have never seen such a screwed up respiratory airway. I had to remain on ventilator for another 2 days before they would remove it. Meanwhile they were pumping me full of bags and bags of antibiotics. I believe everything I have ever had wrong with me in the last ten years is now cured! LOL
I stayed in the hospital for a week. I was crying and wanted to go home so bad. They were being so cautious with my breathing which was good, but I was going nuts.
I have made it home, finally after a week in hospital. The doctor told me blue is not my colour so I will keep that in mind for clothes shopping!
This bench really didn't want me, I must have been to heavy for it! I have had such a struggle to get on it. But I am here now so hopefully it starts to go smoother from here on in.