I had a melt down over girl scout cookies:(

Jan 28, 2010

So tonight I had a meltdown over girlscout cookies..........Here is the back story.  I have always been a sucker for girlscout cookies.  My dad really loves the same ones I love the peanut butter patties(formerly tagalongs), Peanut butter sandwiches (dosidos) and Caramel delights(samoas).  I purchased some cookies from my cousin's daughter and my dad and my kids ate them all minus the two cookies I had.  So, I purchased some from the little girl down the street.  I asked my kids not to eat the peanut butter patty ones they could eat any other ones they wanted.  Well, my husband (who appearently enjoys me being sensative about food) asked me a couple of days ago what did you do with those cookies you bought?By the way he said when I bought them from the neighbor yeah that is what you really need and you want to have that surgery.  He either threw the cookies away except for four or offered them up to my kids, or saw them get them and encouraged it.  I got really upset when I went to get 2 cookies and there were only 4 cookies in a box that I had not even opened. He was like see you are getting this mad and upset over cookies yeah you really need to have that surgery( when he says this he is being sarcastic).  I am not sure if I am more upset because I am getting upset over food I mean really that is rediculous!  Or if I am upset because my husband seems to be enjoying making fun of me because of the meltdown.  I shouldn't be upset about food, but I guess it is habit.  I am getting the revelation that food should just be thought of as just that, food.  I just wish my husband would understand why this surgery is important to me.  I don't know if he is masking fear of me not coming out of the surgery by being ugly or if he really thinks surgery is the easy way out.  He is naturally thin and in shape....he does work out everyday, but I don't think he has the ability to be fat!  I just want his support and for him to understand where I am coming from!  I know it is not easy to understand someone's perspective if you have never been in their shoes, but I would hope that he would make an effort:)  He told me tonight, I don't think you need this surgery so I am not going to help you.  I know when it comes down to it that he will help because he does love me, but he is trying to be ugly so I will give in to make peace and go with his way.  Thank you for being a place I can talk/vent/get feedback!~LaDonna

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