5 Months Post-op and 78 Pounds Gone :)

Apr 23, 2010

Hi Everyone,

Today is my 5 months annyversary since my Doctor saved my life!. Thank you Dr. Frantzides!. I am down 78 pounds as of this morning. Down from 298lbs to 220lbs for 5 months... Can you believe this? And the most amazing feeling is the way I feel. I have so much energy I dont know what to do with myself. Like, the other weekend me and my husband went on a 8 mile hike and after we came home he crashed ( and he is skinny minny) and I cleaned the house for 4 hours.. Thats 12 hours of straight up exercise and I didnt get tired... Whos that girl? I dont know! :) I love my new me and I love my life... I love how I dont stuff myself with garbage anymore and I love how I can walk into the store to buy only salad and come only with salad..My husband cant believe this... I prefer grilled over fried anyday now and fruit over cookies anyday... I love it, love it, love it.. Getting this surgery was one of the best thing so far I have done for myself..and getting it with the best Dr. in the world was the best decision I could have made...I am so thankful that he kept me healthy and with no complications... and the weight is just the added bonus :)

