11 Months and 110 Pounds Off

Oct 27, 2010

It has been a drag this past few weeks or shall I say a month. I am stuck and I really mean it. I have dont everything to get out of this "plato" ( I hate this word) - increased my protein, even upped my work out a lot, changed my work out routine, changed my diet and nothing really helps me. I seem to be moving from 186 in the middle of the week to 188 on Monday ( my day on the scale)... I have no clue why.

I know I should be patient and wait and my body is doing whatever is doing but this is really starting to piss me off. Sometimes I feel like my surgery gave up on me :) And I know it didnt because I can feel the restriction and I know its still working, so what is it then? Why am I stuck?

Maybe because I lost 110 and my body needs a break? But other people lost so much more than me and they are still losing, so why am I not? Frustrating. I have like 40 more pounds to my original goal and maybe, just maybe I wont ever see that happening.

Sorry, for the gloomy post this month.. Maybe its the time of the month? Maybe its me being done being patient with my body being stuck at 188...but I am not a happy camper..

I hope my 1 year post is much better one :) See you next month

