One Year Later....

Nov 24, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Can you believe it has been one year since my surgery? I can hardly believe so. I still vividly remember the day, I went to the hospital to have the surgery that would help me shed all these pounds and make me feel so wonderful. Last Thanksgiving, I was home and laid on the couch in pain, drinking my water and taking my pain killers, while my family got together and celebrated. But this year, it is different. I will be celebrating as well. I am One Year post-op and 113 pounds down from my original 298 pounds starting weight. I feel really good. I feel healthy and happy. My life is finally on track and crying over being obese is not part of my daily routine.

Now, I am deep into my studying and involved with my healthy lifestyle. I enjoy healthy meals and spending time with my family and friends, doing outdoorsie things. I like to be involved in exercise as much as I can and I never miss the chance to go out for a walk. I am very selective of what I eat and drink and I always take my vitamins. I go to all my doctor visits and try to keep myself healthy.
Life is simply easier and much better. The surgery changed my life for the better. And even though I am far from my goal, I feel like I have achieved a lot and I am thankful for every pound I have lost. I dont take any moment of my recovery for granted.

