Dr. Marc Antonetti

Jul 05, 2011

Dus anybody know Dr. Antonetti ? He's in Lexington, S.C. I'm thinking about go to see him? Can anybody tell me about him ?

Going to see the Dr.'s

Feb 11, 2010

I thought i'd start by seeing my Psych.. Dr. I told him that I had gain 40 pounds in the last year. So he changed some of my meds. to see if that would help. My next step is finding a family Dr. Wish me luck !

My Friend Ruby wrote this today,I'd like to share it with you..

Feb 07, 2010

If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think.” Endurance is 1 of the most difficult disciplines, but it is 2 the 1 who endures that the final victory comes. THE VICTORY IS WORTH IT ALL! It is time 4 US 2 have OUR VICTORY! YAY! Endure Ur passion/dreams/beating what has controlled U 4 so long, etc... Today is the day we wake up from our dreams and live it! I have read a lot of your emails and a lot of you ask me some of the same questions because we are going through the same JOURNEY! YAY! I am going to try and answer as many of your questions as I can! 1.) DO NOT wait until tomorrow because tomorrow will NEVER come, or it may come 10 years later. Start this very second, start breaking your addiction right now, start your dream right now! If you mess up, start over again right then!! By doing that, your mistake will be erased. If you stay in your mistake, beat yourself up and continue it will turn into repercussions that could last a life time! 2.) I do have bad days where the addiction tries to take me over again, again and again. I tell myself that one moment of pleasure is not worth the after affects. That one moment of feeling good is a lie from the pit of helicopter. That one moment of pleasure will put you in bondage! The biggest thing WE must do is reach out for help...make a call, txt, email someone, call an 800 number. By doing this, you have to talk and find out why you want that food, drug, person, alcohol that is KILLING YOU, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR RELATIONSHIPS! MAKE THE CALL! The hardest part of this journey for me is reaching out and doing this, but because I am, it is saving me! YAY!!! 3.) Go to the doctor and find out how your health is. Go get blood work, xrays, etc. Stop avoiding and pls do this! If my mother wouldn't have bugged me to death to go to the doctor, I would have been dead! I had NO idea I had diabetes, a liver with fatty tissue, cholesterol issues, etc... I was dying because of diabetes. It is the silent killer! Please go get and get CHECK UP! Make the appt 2day. If you can't afford it, there are free clinics out there that will help you! 4.) My diet is OurLifeFresh.com It is not processed foods, it is made around diabetes and I promise you it changed my palate! It taught me there was a variety of healthy food out there that I had no idea of. It taught me portions sizes. I went cold turkey on this for 6 months and I give you my word, it was harder than helicopter at first, but now I love and crave the food! Please click here just to listen: OurLifeFresh.com Give yourself this for at least a month :O) 5.)We have to exercise; walk, ride a bike, workout with a trainer, work out with your friends, dance, box!! Start out easy and just do 15 to 20 mins more than you do now and do it 4-5 times a day. Please email my trainers Drew and Shazi they are more than happy to give you a workout for your weight and condition. They will help you get started. Email them at:Trainme24/7.com 6.)Please go and read this: Rubysjourneythesteps.com 7.) Yes! You can still order my book here: Rubysdiary.com 8.) I met this amazing woman and her family you will see her on the upcoming shows, Tennie McCarty. She is an overcomer of compulsive overeating, bulimia, co dependent, compulsive spending, shopping, rager, work, alcoholic. When you hear her story you will know why she had to go to one addiction to the other and what she truly needed. Her book will be out soon "Black Baby: From a Survivor to Thriver" If you need to talk to someone or need advice, please click here and email them. They are there to help and they truly know what it's like to be where you are! We are not alone! Shadesofhope.com The show starts Sunday February 14th 8-9pm on Style network click here for more info: Rubysjourney.com I AM SORRY SO MANY OF YA'LL MISSED THE SHOW :O( CLICK HERE AND YOU CAN SEE SOME PREVIEWS: OprahandRuby.com Click BELOW: Make sure 2 GIVE US UR OPINON & TELL US WHAT UR HUNGRY 4: I love ya'll and the truth does set us free! MAKE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN AND LEAVE UR OPINION! What-Ruby-Gettinger-Is-Hungry-For.com Thank you so much! Your words of support have been AMAZING! Oprah and the people that work with her were very sweet 2 me! I can look into her eyes & I know she knows what I am going through. I started on this journey so I could find out the truth! YAY! It is happening! Starting Feb 14th you will go on a journey with me and find out why some of us are compulsive eaters, why some drink & some do drugs, why some starve, etc... I am still crawling! I am a baby learning how to walk again. I feel as though I've been walking with blinders on when it came to me. Sometimes I am present in a room , but not there. I've been blessed to have lived in a shell, that society would never accept, and that I found a way to be accepted. I learned how to survive in a world that would not accept me because of my shell. Maybe, in a way, I forced them to see me, or maybe by me NOT seeing my own shell, it made me invisible! I am finding out I disassociate & avoid pain when it comes to me. I am reading your emails and as I read them I realize how the very core of us is our childhood! Many of ya'll have been hurt, disappointed, left, abused verbally & physically! The sad thing is it probably happened to you because it happened, to the people who did this to us. We have to stop this viscous cycle! We have to find a way to deal with the pain. We can't keep covering up with work, food, drugs, alcohol, or a person, etc... all our devices make it worse. What if our childhood wasn't perfect, what if our life shows us no road out, what if everyone in our past, present and future tells us we can't and won't! Do NOT give them the POWER to kill your PASSION, MIND, HEART & SOUL! Remember what I have told you before, the mind is very powerful it can be your best friend or your worst enemy! I am crawling right now and there are times I want to just fall and not move and pray I can sleep all of this away. I will not fall down because falling is giving up! I will move because the not moving means I am frozen by fear. I will not let fear stop me; not fear of the past, present or future. I will not let sleeping blind me & cage me in any longer! I am finding out our childhood is the core of who we are, but we must face it and deal with it. Once we do, it will no longer chain us in the past with hurt, fear, hate, guilt, etc. All this does is keep us in bondage. It is time to see hope, love & peace! This will lead us to light and the light will be your path that will lead you to the other side...your freedom, your destiny! It's hard to do this when you have an empty hole that only feels filled up by our substance of choice. We now have to stop filling the emptiness with more emptiness. We have to fill it by reaching out to another and learning 2 trust, love and believe in ourselves first & then others! I promise you the biggest thing I have learned on my journey is there are more great people out there than bad!!! I am flabbergasted by the humanity ya'll have shown to me and to each other! YOU, MY FRIENDS, ARE THE MIRACLE IN ALL OF THIS!! I've been receiving Ur emails about me coming to speak, walk, meet etc... so Please send me an email 2 [email protected] yes it is my email! if U want me 2 come 2 YOUR CITY, STATE or COUNTRY I AM TRYING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!! MAKE SURE TO TELL ME WHERE YOUR FROM SO I CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! YAY!!! I AM DYING 2 MEET U FACE 2 FACE AND HUG YOU! I am PROUD OF YOU ALL!!!! I just got finish shooting more of my journey & I so tie tie! I will be shooting the next two weeks 24/7 pls be patient w/ me! I will answer you as fast as I can. Your belief & faith in me is AMAZING! I truly Love YOU & Pray for each & every one of YOU! I am finding out truth behind our addictions & can't wait for YA'LL to walk this next part of my journey w/ me! I want to give you 3 quotes from AMAZING PEOPLE! Everything in this world came against them and most people would have told them to give up! THEY DID NOT! And what they set out to do they did! Do not only read these quotes, but memorize them & burn them into your SOUL, MIND & HEART! “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” Harriet Tubman "Happiness isn't something that depends on our surroundings. It's something we make inside ourselves." Corrie Ten Boom "Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye." Helen Keller You can email me at [email protected]. Once again pls be patient with me! :O) Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows! The best way 2 make UR dreams come true is 2 wake up. Today live your life no matter what your circumstance is! Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard. Love ya'll, Ruby Rubysjourney.com, Rubysjourney/twitter.com, Rubysjourney/FaceBook.com, Rubysjourney/MySpace.com, OurLifeFresh.com, TrainMe24/7

An Awakening

Feb 04, 2010

It's been two years since I joined this group...and I really haven't had any motivation or reason, for that matter, to lose any weight, until now...you see my oldest daughter, Amy, is expecting her first child in late June/ early July....and it wasn't until we went to the first docotor's appointment and got to see and hear the baby for the first time, that I finialy realized I needed to do something about my health, if I was ever going to be a good grandmother. I have had alot of health issues because of my weight, and to be honest it really didn't bother me until now... I suffer from depression and I sleep all the time... heck I don't even eat much, it's just I'm not active. People have told me that all I have to do "is put one foot in front of the other"  and start walking, but you see it's not that easy for me... I kinda feel like I'm trapped, not like a hole, but more like a brick wall....that's blocking out the world around me....can anybody offer any advice??



Dec 03, 2008

I'm just afraid to get started.Afraid of felling yet again. As of now I don't have any heath problems that would qualify me to have the wight loss surgery done. So, I don't know what to do.

About Me
Lexington, SD
Dec 03, 2008
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