Intestinal Blockage
Jan 20, 2009
Beginning on Dec 27 our family started having the Chistmas crud. I never got done with it. I continued vomiting for 2 more weeks. It seemed like nothing would stay down, foods or liquids.Jan 1, 2009 I went to the Emergency Department to be hydrated and found my potassium was low and had a UTI
Jan 6, 2009 I went to the Emergency Dept again to be hydrated
Jan 7 I traveled to EMMC for an endoscopy- no blockage noted.
Jan 12 I had a Cat scan with barium contrast. There is a blockage
Jan 13 I saw Dr. Toder with Cat Scan CD in hand and was scheduled for emergency surgery that day at 3:30. I had what she called a high level, partial blockage. An Intusseseption, a telescoping of the small intestine with pulling of the anastoamosis, which she also disconnected, reconnected using a different stitch.
Jan 15 I was advanced to regular diet. Food stayed down!
Jan 16 I was released from the hospital to home. I will be out of work 1 more week.
About Me
Thomaston, ME
Surgery Date
May 09, 2008
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