Leigh R.
4 days postop
Jan 26, 2007
Again, wow, wow, wow. My surgery according to my surgeon, Dr. DeMaria, was "textbook". I had no complications at all and was up and walking around by 2:00 PM after they had me back in the room at 12:00 PM with my surgery having been performed at 7:30 AM. I got a little panicked right before surgery by my anesthetist was wonderful and all the nurses were very very kind.
I had some nausea and dry heaves on Tuesday afternoon. That was painful but of course there was nothing there to throw up, I'm suprised as to how much concern I have had about my pouch. Not wanting to stress it, not wanting to do anything wrong. My wonderful husband was so concerned the first day with me not swallowing anything, but I don't think he realized I really didn't want to do anything that would mess up my pouch.
I did have a catheter, which I hated, but that got taken out on Wednesday. I can't say how important it is to walk. MOVE, walk walk walk. My throat hurt horribly due to the anesthesia and I of course couldn't have anything to drink the first 24 hours, which was tough, but I had my barium swallow on Wednesday morning, which went off without a problem. They said there were no leaks and I had very little edema so they let me drink some water when I got back to the room. It took me almost an hour to drink that one little medicine cup. I don't have a problem wtih that now. By the next day I was drinking all my fluids with no real problems and it gets easier.
HINT. Have plenty of variety on hand. I can see how drinking the same things all day every hour could get extremely tedious and set yourself up for failure. Give yourself things to look forward to and take a look at all the different smoothie recipes.
I tried the Isopure waters and really could not drink them, so I'll be taking them back to GNC and getting something different.
I'm using Isopure Creamy Vanilla protein powder which mixes great and I'm not having any problems with.
carnation breakfast is also good and I have some ensure as well. Just be sure you mix it up well so your mouth doesn't get bored.
My energy is slowly increasing and I'm still hoping to be back at work on Monday. Will have to wait and see. I really feel like God has blessed me and he has watched over me and my family during this entire. I am so excited about what is around the corner and the slimmer, more energetic me slowly starts to emerge. What a trip.
It's today, it's today, it's today!!!!!
Jan 22, 2007
Ok, I get to go do another load of laundry and make sure everything here is done. I'll see you guys on the loser's side a fraction of the woman I am now. God Bless!!!!!!
Miracles never cease
Jan 16, 2007
I'm getting this done at Durham Regional with Dr. DeMaria. Wish me luck, or better yet, jump on and ride, I promise it won't be dull.
Well, I thought I was approved
Jan 16, 2007
Wow, what a rollercoaster.
Just got approval
Jan 11, 2007
Submitted to insurance finally on Friday, January 5th.
Just heard I was approved!!!!!!!!!
Now just waiting for the date. I'm hoping for the 25th of January due to scheduling issues, but we will have to wait and see what is available.
I'm so ready for this.
I'm at 270 today. Maybe by this time next year I will be at goal. How amazing would that be?
My family and friends are all being very supportive and I think are as excited about this as I am. It's funny how there are people who we feel comfortable telling and others that we just know won't be as supportive, so we don't share this journey with them.
Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Buying new clothes.
2. Wearing my fabulous red boots again.
3. Being able to shop and not have to rest.
4. Getting off the couch without help.
5. Having more energy
6. Turning on my husband.
7. Flirting with my husband
8. Not embarrssing my daughter.
9. Having the energy to do all the things that I dreamed of.
10. Taking my daughter and hopefully my two stepsons to Disney.
11. Hearing others laugh, and not wondering if it is at me.
12. Removing the hold that food has.
13. Loving the life and the person that God created and being the best person He wants for me to be.
14. So many more things that I can't list but I cannot wait.
I'm so ready to get started.
Well I am finally getting to it.....
Nov 16, 2006