Got a Phone Call!!!
Jun 03, 2009
Hey there!!
Back on Insurance.....We changed insurance, I was told at the time from the company that is taking care of our insurance switch that they would not cover the bypass.

I was again MAD as hell and didn't understand why in the world they didn't want to cover something that could help me SO MUCH! I called the hospital and asked them to go ahead and try to submit the info so I could be the denial and move on from there. I got a call back and my patient advocate said that with my Co-Morbidities and BMI that once I covered my deductible the surgery would be covered 100%!!!!

I am So excited!! I have to get the letter from my Dr and then the Psch eval and I will be well on my way to a surgery date!!! Wooo Hooo!!

Just wanted to share my news!! More later!