Where should I begin in the story that is me, Heather. Well I was born and raised for the most part in Michigan. I love the outdoors (camping, fishing, hiking, volleyball, tennis, boche ball, swimming). I like to "play" with my rubber stamps. I have a 14 year old daughter who is the joy of my life. I had her ON my 19th birthday. She is such a blessing. I married my husband nearly 7 years ago, in April. He joined the military post 9/11. The economy is not great in Michigan, where is it now though, so he did it for the steady income, the travel (ha ha) and the medical benefits. We love our lives in the military though. I love this little Texas town I live in. I know that we will not be here forever, but maybe when we retire, we will be back. I was not "fat" all my life. Even when I thought I was "fat", I wasn't. Looking back, I wasted so much precious time. I found out this past year that I have a condition called PCOS-Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It causes a whole host of issues but one of them is weight gain. The only cure for the condition is weight loss. Now isn't that horrid! I gain weight even when I may not stick food in my mouth but I have to lose it to get rid of the condition..... So that is how I came to the decision of gastric bypass (RNY). I know that I have a trigger food and I know what it is. I will not blame PCOS on the weight gain 100% because I know that I do overeat at certain times, With my knee having arthritis, it is hard for me to exercise. I had a surgery in March on the knee and know that I need another one now. I am not willing to do that until I lose weight. And that is it, the story of me. I am a happy, outgoing, loving, friendly person. I like to meet new people and have fun. I truly enjoy the outdoors, love to travel and spend time with my loved ones.