
Happy Birthday to me!

Mar 10, 2009

So I turned 34 years old on March the 5th!  My daughter turned 15yrs the same day.  I decided, with much thought and stress, not to attend the yearly dance that Dr Warnock puts on for all of us.  It was a hard decision to make, I feel guilty but my priority is my family.  I know Dr Warnock would understand that family should come first!  Well we took her to a hockey game with 7 friends and my parents.  We had a ton of fun! Actually less now that I have lost 113 lbs!  I am not yet 6 months post op.  I am eating, exercising and enjoying life!  I forgot what that was like...enjoying life.  Things have been a bit rough still for me here and there.  I still experience dumping from time to time.  I know some of it is due to something I do, still feel like some of it is due to something I don't do.  Most of my episodes happen after taking the Iron pill so I think I have to talk to the doc about that.  I take it with food which was suggest to me, but still I get stomach (or should I say Pouch) upset after taking it.  I am getting most of my protein from food and use protein mix less all the time!  I love walking still, started jogging.  I jog during my workout but now I jog in the "hood".  I use to walk and do a workout but now I do a jog.  I am still not able to do jumping jacks.  The jiggle is too much and the boobies don't want to behave at all!  It is too painful.  I think I may have a few issues with hernias or problems with muscles.  When I workout, I feel these pockets that feel like they are fluid filled.  Sometimes on walks I have issues with them also...pain.  I have had a few episodes where around my monthly cycle I get dizzy and can't function for a day or two.  I am having that checked though through blood tests and such.  I hope it is easily fixed.  I get cold ALL THE TIME!!!  That is to be expected right!  I mean all my stored fat is evaporating...lol.  Well not really, I work hard to get it off!  Really, I am doing very well.  I am so happy where I am. I would keep the bad days I have now compared to the good days I had at 336lbs.  NEVER will I be there again.  Oh, yes I did "sneek" some cake for my birthday....and dumped!  That'll teach me right!  LOL!!!  Sorry I have not been on much again.  My daughter has been having some medical issues but I hope they are being resolved.  I hope all is well with everyone!


About Me
Sheppard AFB, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 05, 2008
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