Thursday was a big day!
Mar 12, 2009
Well I went to the doctor on base today and talked to her about some things that have been going on. They think that I may have anemia. I am not shocked really if it is found that I do. Right around my monthly cycle, I keep getting dizzy. I feel not like myself. I am cold all the time as well. So they are checking my blood to find out what is going on. I guess the anemia is worse during periods for women. I have had a few episodes when I have been overheated as well. I was talking to a woman I met through here at one of the bariatric meetings (she is going to have surgery soon) and I felt like I was going to pass out. I didn't say anything to her or her mother but everything went all black and I felt like I was going to pass out. It was embarrassing to tell you the truth. It was the first time that had happened in such an extreme way. Most of the time I am around the house doing this or that and have these moments when I go to stand up and get dizzy or have the near blackout moments. So I hope to get some answers. I would rather find out that I have anemia than to go on living like that not knowing what is going on with me. An answer, even when it is one you don't want, is better than not knowing what is going on with you. Has anyone else experienced this?I went to the dentist today as well. I love my dentist. He noticed right away how much weight I lost. He did not say anything immediately but it was nice that he finally complimented me. Oh and the visit went well. No cavities, no issues, I do grind my teeth though. UGH!
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About Me
Sheppard AFB, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 05, 2008
Member Since