End of the month - What to do . . .
Aug 29, 2009
It's hard to believe that I've lost 16 pounds this month (since the 11th when I went to my doctors). I'm afraid of hitting that platue (sp) and also that if I lose too much more I won't be a candidate for the surgery any more. So what do I do? Do I continue working out and behaving with my portions ergo lose more weight or do I hit the nearest McDonalds so I remain a candidate for the surgery? Truth be told I'm feeling a lot better. My GERD is practically non-existent and my ankles don't swell up nearly as much as they used to. I like the weight loss, but seem afraid of it at the same time. Does this make sense to anyone?
Killing Time
Aug 26, 2009
Since I can't afford the surgery any time soon I'm going back to the old fashioned way of losing and have made some new and conscience aware changes. For one, I am only eating off of sandwich plates. This means it looks like more food to my eye (which I'm hoping tricks my brain), and two I am taking smaller bites and setting my fork down after each bite. I am also waiting until I've cleared all the food out of my mouth before taking another bite. Fork down and repeat LOL. I've also made a commitment to a friend to work out after work (we have a small gym at work) for 30 minutes at least 4 times a week. I've lost a total of 12 pounds this month so far. I'll just keep doing these things and add stuff to my regime as time goes on. I have a PPO and so I have to put down about 2K out of pocket for the surgery and right now it's just not doable.
Wish me luck!
1 comment
Wish me luck!