Samuel V.
299 and still loosing
Mar 18, 2009
Today I have made a mile stone. It has been at least 15 years since I have been where I am today. When I got on the scale and saw 299 I started hollowing. 77 pounds since Jan 6. I have made my first goal. This past Sunday I have a moment that I called (sorry ladies) a woman's moment. I was getting dressed for church and could not find anything to wear. It was either too big or too small. I had the bed covered in suits. I finally decided to wear one and at the end was uncomfortable with the choice. I got up set then told the family go without me and I will follow. Looking back that was a good thing. Most of the suits are for a fat man. I am not fat anymore.
About Me
Stockton, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2006
Member Since