another request completed

Mar 30, 2008

I went for my chest xray, blood work & had a ultra sound on my gall bladder last Thursday.  Also, went to a class after all of that.  Everyone at Suburban Hospital was so very nice.  That night, I went back to a support group meeting.  I was very shocked to see how many people were there.  One of my friends from work was there and she has lost 70 lbs in 6 months!  Looks totally awesome.  I am so excited I cannot wait, just 22 more days...

Tonight I sat down and went over some receipes and I want to try some of them before my surgery just to see how they will taste.

22 days and counting!

cardo visit

Mar 25, 2008

well, I went to the cardo dr today, I really did like him.  He wants me to have a stress test ran next thursday.  It's the stress test where they run the dye through your veins.  Needless to say, I am not really thrilled about that....Oh well, I just hope and pray they don't find anything bad. 

What a day

Mar 24, 2008

Well, it's the night before I go to the Cardo doctor.  And, I am a little concerned.  Hope all goes well tomorrow.

This morning I thought I would try one of my UNJURY packets to see how I would like it.  I got the Lemonade flavor Crystal Light and mixed the strawberry with it.  Not bad at all, I actually enjoyed it.  The funny thing is, I opened the wrong pkt at first (the chicken soup) and I thought, boy that sure doesnt smell like strawberry.  So, when I looked at the pkt again, I realized I had grabbed the wrong one.....LOL...Oh well, atleast I didnt pour my lemonade in it....that would have been nasty I am sure.

In talking with some of my co-workers today, we all know someone who has had some kind of weight loss surgery and done well, but only to gain all and then some more of their weight back.  Like we said, IT IS A LIFESTYLE change....Gawd, I hope and pray I am strong enough to make it....I keep thinking that as long as I don't feel those horrible hunger pains I can and will make it.   I want my motto to be "I eat to live, not live to eat".....

First time ever.......

Mar 22, 2008

Ok, first time ever blogging......LOL  I have just setup my profile and I am gonna try my very best to keep up to date with this journey I am getting ready to go on.   I am a puter dummy, so I hope I can do this.  

Here it is, Saturday morning and I have just filled out paperwork for several dr appts I have to attend before my surgery.  I have to go to the cardo dr Tues, and then for pre-op Thur.  I am a little worried about the cardo dr as I was a smoker for 30 yrs (quit Nov 2008).    I hope he doesnt find anything wrong.

I am so excited for my surgery I am about ready to jump out of my skin.  Everyone has been so very, very supportive.  My daughter is really excited for me.  My dream is to be where I need and want to be by the time she is a senior in high school and I want her and I have to have our picture taken together.  We have never had that done!  She is a sophmore this year.  So, my utlimate goal is to have all of this behind me by April 2010!  Cuz, when she walks down that asile to get her diploma in May-June 2010, and we have pic's together of her holding that major accomplishment I want her not only to be proud of herself, but me as well......

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 22, 2008
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 4
another request completed
cardo visit
What a day
First time ever.......
