
Nov 03, 2009

That is what I am feeling!

Since my appointment on October 12th, I have removed all sugars from my diet. I have forced (getting easier to do with the results being so obvious) in 3 small meals daily. And Wow!!! So much of a difference.

I have so many positives about the change in diet...

1) My hair loss has almost ceased!
2) I sleep! Actually sleep and desire more of it!
3) Energy??? Well hello again my distant friend! Nice of you to come to me again.
4) Less headaches and body aches! Used to take Motrin/Tylenol combo 3 times daily. Now very rarely!
5) Last but not least... 20 pounds gone! Clothing that I always bought too big for me, now swims around me and even interferes with movements LOL!

I believe so strongly in my new life changes that I have even caught myself preaching it. Even to people of *Normal* weight!!! Protein Protein Protein!!!

Two weeks today of this new me... 20 pounds LOST is nice to see, but in all honesty means NOTHING to me compared to all of the other benefits I have GAINED!

So this is the lightbulb turning on, this is my Wow currently!

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About Me
Saint Joseph, MO
Surgery Date
Jul 31, 2009
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