So what is my story? I am just a girl that has battled my weight my entire life. I have done the yoyo over and over again. Got completely wrapped up in horrible habits that took a major toll on my body. Life can take a toll on you too. When you don't love yourself enough you can allow bad things to happen, get involved with much negativity. You allow yourself to become someone else and once you have been knocked down it is hard to get up. I am tired of being down and ready to be up! I finally have found the most wonderful partner and equal I could have ever dreamed of. He is my everything and the most supportive person in my life. I also have a great family and wonderful friends. I am so thankful to everyone that has helped and shared this journey with me. I have a handful of friends that have really shown how much they care and so eager to help and be there for me thank you! So even though right now it's hard and each day that passes I am truly faced with the truth of what my life will soon be, I know it will be worth it. It will be hard, harder than I ever thought but with everyone in my corner I know I can do it.
Thank you so much everyone!