Day by day...

May 19, 2009

Ok so today I had to go in for all my blood work, X-ray, and Upper GI.  The blood work was easy, but the Upper GI was weird lol.  Yuck...I had to drink this fizzy stuff and NOT BURP yeah ok...then drink this barium stuff icky.  Then I got to be jiggled around on this machine...still trying not to burp LOL.  It took 6 min so really not that bad.  I love everyone at the hospital, so far they have been great!

I am on day 3 of my liquid diet and have had a hard time sticking to it.  I have not fallen off majorly.  One day I had a bowl of soup with some chicken in it.  Last night I ate a veggie only salad with no dressing.  I am down 3ish pounds though.  I felt the need to eat because of the headaches.  I can have a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with some honey per sitting and that helped today.  I also am trying to make sure I walk 30min a day.  I am feeling better today and will try to stick to the diet completely and get in a TON of water.  I am one peeing machine!

I feel very luck and blessed that I have such a GREAT support team.  Not everyone I have encountered has been supportive and that has been hard to take at times, but everyone has their own thoughts and worries.  Some who have been disapproving are not educated enough to make decisions, again that is ok too.  I have started a journal so maybe I can help someone as I am going though this too.

Thanks everyone!



About Me
Elgin, IL
Surgery Date
May 18, 2009
Member Since

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