Time to update... ;o)

Jan 21, 2011

Well...well...well - I am Well and doing wonderful!!!  It's been a little over a month since I last updated.  Since then, I had some lipo to my left arm, and had the little dog ears repaired on the inside and outside of my left breast.  My left arm is still extremely sore, and it also has some swelling in it - so it's still larger than my right arm.  I'm trying my very best to not get disappointed at this time.  Admittedly, I'm very tired of dealing with this left arm - trying desperately to have it slightly resemble my smaller right arm.  To a small extent, although I may not call it a "nightmare", but I sure will call it a "bad dream"!  :(  My "dream" was to simply have the Huge batwings removed from both arms, and move on in life!  Since that dream, I have had 2 revisions and 1 lipo procedure to that same arm!!!  Sickening!!!  Although I would that my right arm was shaped as nicely as some of the arms I've seen post-op, I can live with it as it is now.  I asked my surgeon (who had the stressful job of trying to 'fix' my left arm), if he'd like to throw me back into the "crab bucket"!  But the sweet, wonderful, and generous surgeon that he is, said "Absolutely NOT"!  I truly love and owe my ps a great debt of gratitude!!!  I think he wants more than I do (well maybe not MORE) to get my arms to match in size! 

I'm still wearing the compression garment day and night.  I was released to start exercising again, including using the light hand weights, and I resumed that this week.  Today marks the 2 week point since I had the procedures done.  I have a post-op appointment today, and I will get my arm measured today to see if there is any changes at all.  I sure hope so, if for only a bit of encouragement!  Lord please!!!  Last Friday when the sutures were removed, I didn't realize until later that evening, but a little area on the inside corner incision line under my breast pulled open.  I was horrified at first. I taped it close after applying topical antibiotic cream.  I called my surgeon on Saturday morning and he said that I was doing everything correctly and to come in and see him on Monday morning.  By the time I went in to see him, the incision was already closing up.  It looks like the line will continue to heal without any problem, and that there will not be a bad scar.  I'm so happy about that!!!

This journey has been one of amazement, and full of many ups and downs.  All and all, although I may change a couple of things - namely the original surgery to my upper arms performed with a more qualified surgeon; but for the most part I would do it all over again the same way!  All of my surgeons have been great in their own individual fields of expertise!  I'm very happy that I'm healthy after loosing over 157 lbs. in approximately 6 1/2 years.  I feel good in my skin - even though some of that skin is Very loose and flabby.  I just say that I'm "fluffy", and since my precious beau doesn't mind and has said that he loves touching my skin, then I'm very happy!  Now that's Not to say that some day in my future I may want to go ahead and have my thighs done and my tummy revised; but again, for now I'm happy with me and who I've become after wls!  I'm wearing size 8, 10, 12's and some 14's - all depending upon the brand, style and sometimes even the time of day I'm wearing them.  Lol.  Today, I'm wearing size 10 two piece and jacket!  I honestly don't expect to take this 56 year old body down to a size 4.  That would NOT be a 'nice looking' place for me to be.  Right now, I'm loving the look of my toned neck and collar bones under my blouses.  Although I have a little tummy, spanx does a very good job of taking care of that AND my thighs!!  Yeaahhh!!!  I look great in slacks and one of my most recent 'WOW' moments came when I pull out my brand new boots that I've had under my bed for approximately 2 years because they wouldn't come up over my thick calfs!  WELL GUESS WHAT?  I've been wearing ALL FOUR (4) pair since last month!!!!  They all pull right up with no problem! AWESOME!!!  :)

All I can say is what a wild, wonderful and awesome journey this has been for me!  This year I will celebrate 7 yrs wls.  Tears of Joy want to slide right down my face right now, but they can't - at work with no more mascara!  Lol!  But God knows that I am happy, happy, happy, and I give Him All the Glory for taking care of me through this journey!  Thank You Jesus!

So I say, to everyone, God bless you at whatever stage you are presently at in your journey.  Just keep the faith and don't give up hope - NO MATTER WHAT!!!  I'm a living witness that it does work!  My many prayers for your victories and successes!

God bless,
***Today is my BEST DAY!!!

