Appeal - Phase 1
Mar 03, 2007
An update...
I called Aetna & told them that I was eager to start my appeal process. (I may have mentioned that I had gotten an attorney as well...wink! wink!)
The girl I talked to was VERY helpful & said that I should wait on an attorney because the 1st step of the appeal was to schedule a peer to peer consultation between my surgeon & their medical director.
My surgeon & his staff jumped on it & have already scheduled the meeting. Dr. Patel seemed very confident.
More to come...
Feb 28, 2007
So...I received my denial letter from Aetna today. I was pretty crushed at first, but I'm channeling all of that energy into my appeal. The first step is something they call a "peer to peer consultation" between my surgeon and their specialist. Hopefully, Dr. Patel will be able to work his magic and convince the insurance company that this is a medically beneficial and necessary procedure for me. I'm still hopeful! More to come...
Just the beginning...
Feb 08, 2007
I just got off the phone with my insurance company & they confirmed that they have received all of of my paperwork from Dr. Patel's office. My Lap Band approval is in the hands of the good people at Aetna now. They say it could take up to 30 business days, but assured me it would be sooner. I'm keeping fingers (and toes) crossed!