My name is Lisa,I am 34 yrs old,and a mother of 4,(one is a step...but I love her as if I'd had her myself)...I have been battling issues with weight for about 16 yrs now. When I began to have children...goodbye cheerleader bod!!! I gained over 200lbs with the first one...I developed gestational diabetes with her,and she came here weighing 11lb 9oz...24 1/2 inches long...wow. huh? Well...alot of that was fliud too...I also had severe hypertension,well I was 18 @ the time...so within months I lost a significant amt. of weight...but not down to what I was pre-baby...and so it began...I'd gain...i'd lose..this went on for 7 more yrs...then I became pregnant with child # 2...again with the Diabetes..did'nt gain as much...but stuck around longer this time...it was about this time that I got introduced to what a Gastric-Bypass was..my sister-in-law went and had one...I said oh no..that sounds too dangerous..which back then it was a major surgery...anyway, I also thought it was the"lazy" way out,and I put it out of my head..and kept on yo-yo dieting for another 7yrs...I had remarried (to the love of my life). Things were going so great...I was'nt my ideal weight...I was a little over-weight...Then, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer...my father was my hero..and it was a long painful, horrible, death..I went into a deep depression..and when I came home..after his memorial service in Atlanta...I felt really sick...my menstrual cycle stopped...i went to the Dr. thinking he was gonna tell me it was all from the stress...& grieving...WRONG....he told me I was pregnant...AGAIN!!! I said,"Please tell me you are kidding, I take my birth control religiously" he said because I had gained weight...it made the pill not strong enough....go figure..I was in shock...I just lost my Father..my husband & I were'nt married(yet) , I just was'nt ready for all this that was shoved on my plate...my husband was so excited...he only had 1 child..so @6mos pregnant...we tied the knot...I had my third child on Feb 1, 2005. This time ,while I was pregnant...I actually had to take insulin injections...I once more had gestational diabetes...but it was more controlled...now 2yrs later...I am @ 252lbs...Well..my husband's ex-wife, had a gastric By-pass in 2006..she told me it was done with a scope now...and she looks great...well we talked it over, she told me the Dr. who performed her surgery..and my husband and I discussed it..I am having new health issues with my being over-weight,I want to ride my horses & play with my kids without getting winded....and being depressed because I don't want to leave the house with my husband due to the fact that I am ashamed of the way I look soo now,I am on my way...my spouse is a state employee,so I have to wait until open enrollment in October to really get started..We are going to switch to Blue Cross/Blue Shield...they require a 6 month diet plan with your Dr. first,which I have already started in August...well...I'm looking to have surgery in Feb, 2008..I'll keep ya'll posted ...wish me luck!!! NoLeChiC!!