3-4-2010 ultrasound and OB appointment

Mar 04, 2010

FIrst we had both types of ultrasound. THe regualr ultrasound we could only see a lil fuzzy circle. THe internal one we saw so much! Baby was wiggling and kicking its right leg. Rolled to the side, tech had to wait a minute to get the heart picture. Watching the baby move when its only the size of a large grape was amazing! It was real. We are measuring 8 weeks 6 days, right on schedule, growth is good. Baby is planted high in the uterus all snug as a bug in a rug. Heart was 180 and sounded good:)

We met with the perinatologist and everything with baby is fine right now. BUT Because of my medical history and surgeries I am high risk and he suggested that we not continue this pregnancy and wait until I am healthier.,,,,,,, Once we made out intentions even clearer he is going to work with us after educating on all the risks and importance of extra precautions.

Plan: I am to see him and the OB, get an ultrasound, loads of labs, and see a nutritionist (bariatric) once a month. All of them once a month. My next appointment is April 5th.

Lotsa blood work taken today but no hormones just nutritional stuff. I also have to put my pee in a jug for 24 hours to test for protein. NOt really clear on it but whatever.

THeres my update. Wishing wonderfuls things for everyone.

