5 years out ...10/28/09-14 I'm more scared now than before

Oct 27, 2014

Well its 5 years since my WLS....I'm more scared now than I was then.  I have gained weight now upto 190 ..yes I put it out there for the world to see. 

Now I know Ive said it before and ill say it again, its time to to get refocued, eating more protien, stop making excuses to  work out.


I have been given a Gift by God and I don't want to seem unthankful for that gift.  I need to put me first when it comes to my Weight loss since I'm the one that went under the knife.  I saw my WLS Coordinator (she's not doing it anymore) who is a registered nurse and was the lead for the WLS Program. She has gained back all her weight..and it scared me because she headed the program and it happened to her ... my coworker also had it the same week I had mine and she too has gained back all of her weight and then some.  I don't want to head that route. I know I'll never be 147 again but to be a healthly 165 can work. I just hope next year on my 6 anniversary I'm not 200 pounds




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