Today is my 17 mos post op -115 lbs.
Dec 23, 2009
2 lbs from my goal. can't believe it. got on scale and it had moved, got on twice to make sure. now i'm kinda of not sure if I sure worry. I just went to enter todays weighin on my weight log and i noticed i lost 6 lbs in 3 weeks. okay so great right? but isn't it odd, just like that? 10 lbs. loss in about 3 months. I should be grateful, well I am but I truly thought that after the year things would kinda stop and I don't want it to stop totally cause I'm not where I think I need to be but so much so fast. during the first few months 10 lbs. in 3 months is way too slow but at this time 10 lbs just like that without truly trying can cause thought. well I guess I'll just take it and see what happens. one of my support group ladies emailed us this week and said she gained 40 lbs. this past year, her second year out and that terrified me. I still have things I can't eat but there are alot more things that I can and those are the ones that worry me, gonna have to cut that out. nothing out of control but 1 bite goes to 2 and then on and the cycle begins. for the most part all is okay. i'm having some small pain issues in my my pouch area but not really sure why and i'm not gonna deal with it right now. my knee and back pain is resurfing but I think thats this cold weather we're getting, the arthritis is under attack sometimes have to give in and take motrin because I can't function with so much pain. all in all no regrets. I hate all this darn hanging ugly skin but oh well, no one needs to see that. I can stay alone no big deal. and if I ever need to wear a bathing suit, they have skirts and sarongs to cover stuff up LOL. stayed home today because my son, his gf and my lil travis are all sick with stomach flu and I stayed to help out with baby but he's knocked out due to being so ill all night. so i'm just blogging and catching up on dvr programs. my dtr. is driving to SACTO today to pick up my son for the holiday weekend. i'll have all my kids and the grandbabies here for christmas eve. lil isabella goes with her daddy on christmas day. i hate having her going back and forth but I am glad that her father wants to be active in her life just wish it was a 50% custody that means she shuttles back and forth every day. we are also waiting for LilyMarie to come next month, Travis getting a little sister and Isabella getting a little girl cousin to grow up with her. they'll be 14 months apart :) Believe me I can see why I am losing weight with this chaotic crazy house I'm in. if i'm watching babies I rarely eat cause I don't like eating in front of them and not being able to give them what I eat, and also being busy with them I don't think of eating. like today it's 12:45p and all I had is coffee and a couple of pillsbury croissant things. i'm about to go get something to eat because Travis will be waking up soon and he really can't eat food so I don't want him to see me eating and ask for some, i feel bad. so I guess i'll stop blogging and go eat something. ttyl.
About Me
Hayward, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2007
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