GOALLLLL!!!! -118 lbs. and actually below goal :)
Dec 26, 2009
So I've been sick since Christmas Eve, got stomach flu the 4th person in my house to get hit this week and on Wednesday weighin I was 2 lbs short for goal and this a.m. I was down 3. so I'm under goal. the illness helped 144 today! my goal was 145 so I unwillingly got under it. so thats a loss of 118 lbs. pre/post op weight loss.
the last time I even think I was that I was in Junior HS. and now that my system got a jolt, albeit a harsh one I'm gonna take this opportunity to get my butt back on track. i still have bad eating issues with some stuff but I see I can have a little more carbs and sweets once in awhile and that is my goal to stop that nonsense. thats how I screwed up all the other times, a little here and a little there and no damage to scale but then bang it all hits and it's over. i've been up all night with cramping but it's been almsot 12 hours without any bathroom visits so I think I'm okay. drinking tea now to see how it goes. gonna stay on tea, water and broth today and even tomorrow if I can to give my system a rest.
my son and his gf broke out and started eating regular right away, crazy. i won't risk it. i am thankful though that since I can't eat much there wasn't much to come out
LOL - but it was bad anyway. do any of our nurses know why after the food is out of our tummy our system still keeps vomiting just liquid and air? its so painful and weird. anyway my OH family, I feel better today and the kids and Travis do too, so i hope it doesn't hit anyone else here. my oldest son came home from Sacto on Wednesday night and it hit him lightly on Thursday and yesterday but nothing serious.
I finally completed 1 goal in my life and I am praying to God everyday that I can maintain my weight, I get so scared when I hear people gaining even after 1 year of surgery, I know I'm not eating crazy but I don't exercise cause my arthritis in my neck and back is aggravated by exercise, and not a little bit, it's extremely painful sometimes I can't help it and I have to take Motrin even though I kow we are not supposed to but I can't be in pain, cause I can't function. my neck is so bad even carrying heavy things or the babies causes days of pain so exercising is very limited. the only thing I can do is walk and even that causes my back and knee pain but I try when I can. so for me controlling the eating is the main way I have to keep the weight off.
I hit goal before the New Year so I'm about to start the year with a new outlook on my health, and the main goal to stay fit for life.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas with their family and friends. love you all.
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